Communication Strategies to Encourage Evidence-Based Diagnosis and Collaboration to Access Resources

Communication Strategies to Encourage Evidence-Based Diagnosis and Collaboration to Access Resources

Locating Credible Databases and Research

Much evidence indicates that applying evidence-based practice in patient care improves the quality of the care services delivered and the patients’ experiences (Melnyk & Fineout-Overhold, 2022). Baccalaureate-prepared nurses are leaders and managers of the nursing staff and are expected to optimize the work environment (Dyck et al., 2021). They are responsible for promoting evidence-based practice (EBP) among nurses at levels of patient care. This paper focuses on the case of a surgical department nurse who wants to understand how to take care of a patient who has had kidney surgery. Besides the surgery pain the patient complains of, she suspects the patient has an underlying chronic pain syndrome. She wants to know how to diagnose best and manage chronic pain syndrome as the patient recovers from the surgery.

This paper will present the best communication strategies a baccalaureate-prepared nurse can apply to encourage the nurses to research the diagnosis and strategies to collaborate with the nurses to access resources. It will also describe the most suitable places to complete research and what types of resources to research for the diagnosis and identify five sources of evidence-based diagnosis. In addition, it will explain why the sources selected provide the best evidence for the diagnosis of chronic pain syndrome.


A baccalaureate-prepared nurse must have excellent communication skills to positively impact the nursing staff and encourage them to research and collaborate to access resources to support their practice. Effective communication involves conveying the correct information, feelings, and meanings and helps prevent misunderstandings and conflict (Li et al., 2019). Two of the best forms of communication to encourage research for evidence-based diagnosis of chronic pain syndrome are verbal communication, written communication such as presentations and emails, and active listening.

Adopting communication strategies that encompass verbal communication, written communication, and active listening will stimulate interest among the nurses to engage in the research for evidence to carry out a better diagnosis. Verbal communication is convenient and provides timely feedback. Written means of communication, such as emails and presentations, provide a permanent reference source for the nurses during the research. The baccalaureate-prepared nurse can use active listening to establish deeper connections with the nursing staff. Active listening represents respect, empathy, and focused attention (Jonsdottir & Fridriksdottir, 2019). The baccalaureate-prepared nurse can ignite research interest in the nursing staff through communication strategies.

Best Places to Complete Research and Types of Resources to Access

There are various places and resources that the nurses can utilize to complete their research for evidence-based diagnosis of chronic pain syndrome. The nurses can access, review, and meta-analyze nursing journals specializing in pain management, analyze the existing guidelines online or within the hospital on diagnosing various types of pain, and review other pain diagnosis and management manuals.

The nurses should search the various medical and nursing research databases for specialized nursing journals online. Nurses can search and analyze peer-reviewed articles focused on primary research and systematic reviews on pain management and chronic pain if they are open in the explored databases. The internal hospital library and certified medical websites also provide clear guidelines on diagnosing and managing various categories of pain, such as chronic pain syndrome.

Five Sources of Online Information to Support Diagnosis

Nurses can utilize various online sources of information to support an evidence-based diagnosis of the chronic syndrome. The nurses can search for evidence-based chronic pain diagnosis and management materials from the Cochrane Library, Scopus, and Pubmed Central databases. The other two useful online sources the nurse can use to obtain information to support their diagnosis are the American Pain Society website and the United States (U.S) Pain Foundation’s. Scopus provides access to significant nursing articles and abstracts. Pubmed Central allows access to MEDLINE’s other databases. The American Pain Society and the U.S. Pain Foundation websites provide diverse resources on pain management, including chronic pain.

Why the Sources Selected Provide the Best Evidence for the Diagnosis

There are many reasons why the selected sources to support the nursing research will be able to provide the best evidence to support the diagnosis of chronic pain syndrome. For instance, Scopus is the most extensive database with peer

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