Communication Strategies to Encourage Nurses to Research Medication Administration Errors and Strategies for Nurse Collaboration to Access Resources

Communication Strategies to Encourage Nurses to Research Medication Administration Errors and Strategies for Nurse Collaboration to Access Resources


The nurse will learn about the use of research to develop credible evidence to support her in making decisions in the delivery of care services as she continues with her daily nursing duties. However, the supervising nurse leader must adopt appropriate nursing strategies that will encourage the nurses to research and develop evidence on MAEs as well as collaborate to access resources. The best communication strategies the supervising nurse can employ in this cause include encouragement, actively listening to the newly trained nurse, leading the nurses in research through mentoring, and being clear in the communication. Encouragement is a major communication strategy to motivate nurses to research MAEs and develop EBP strategies to solve the problem. Encouragement can be achieved by informing the nurses how their research can impact and advance the health outcomes of their patients, families, and the community (Stanfill et al., 2019). Encouragement can be in the form of positive affirmations, personally engaging in research, and directly mentoring the nurse on database search and identification of credible sources. Secondly, clear communication in healthcare settings can be achieved by avoiding the use of jargon (Coleman, 2020). The supervising nurse should also be confident in communication and provide comprehensive directions on the subject through verbal or written communication. Additionally, collaboration to access resources can be motivated by creating an environment that requires the nurses to work interdependently to solve problems, encourage open communication and feedback, and support them to willingly engage in conversions on the subject and in search of resources.

Best Places to Complete Research and Types of Resources to Access

There are various places that can be searched to complete the research on MAEs, from the Capella University Library to other resources outside the university’s library that can be accessed via the Capella University Library portal or other search engines. The Capella University Library is one of the best places to complete research. Other best places to complete research include internet sources, online libraries, nursing research, and clinical and medical databases. The nurse can also utilize available practice guidelines related to the administration of medications. The research source majorly focuses on peer-reviewed journals, guidelines, reviews, and other credible internet resources such as publications and policies on nursing associations’ websites.

Five Sources of Online Information

The top five sources for online information on MAEs include i) the PubMed Central database, which is published and maintained by the National Library of Medicine (NLM) and National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI); ii) the Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature (CINAHL) database managed by EBSCO publishing, iii) the education and corporate library and database managed by ProQuest, iv) the Cochrane Library provided by Cochrane and various organizations, and v) the Nursing Reference Center Plus maintained by EBSCO.

Explanation of Why the Sources Provide the Best Evidence

These resources provide peer-reviewed evidence and information on MAEs and practices to reduce and prevent their occurrence. The resources also provide articles from the wider professional community with authority on matters related to safe medication administration and management of medication. Notably, some of these sources, such as the Nursing Reference Center and Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature (CINAHL), provided the best evidence and information that nurses design for nurses. Additionally, the resources are routinely updated with new information and evidence on MAEs. Therefore, the five resources can support the nurses in understanding MAEs and enable them to confidently and effectively prevent their occurrence.


In conclusion, clear communication strategies are essential for promoting the search for evidence and the application of EBP in nursing to prevent MAEs. Additionally, nurses are required to collaborate and search for evidence from resources such as databases, websites, and journals. However, before using any evidence, it is important to ensure that it is from a credible source.


Bengtsson, M., Ekedahl, A. B. I., & Sjöström, K. (2021). Errors linked to medication management in nursing homes: an interview study. BMC Nursing20(1), 1–10.

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