Community Health And Population-focused Nursing WGU -C228 Task 1 Demographics Assessment

Community Health And Population-focused Nursing WGU -C228 Task 1 Demographics Assessment


Sentinel City, with a total population of 663,862 comprises four different neighborhoods - the newer and better maintained Acer Tech and Nightingale Square as well as the older, industrial Casper Park District and Industrial Heights. The demographics assessment of Sentinel City provides more depth to the characteristics of its population. Casper Park district has the highest population (352643), and industrial Heights has the lowest (38855). 103974 people reside in Nightingale Square and the remaining 168390 in Acer Tech Center. 7.4% of the total population comprises children under the age of 5 years, and 21.7% are those between 5-18 years of age.10.5% of the community is above the age of 65 and the remaining are adults between 19-64 years of age.

The city comprises different race and ethnic groups. Most of the population, around 80.6%, is White. African American make up 10.4% of the people, Asians 3.7%, Hawaiians and other Pacific Islander 0.2% and 3.1% of the population are two or more races.

Median household income distributions in the four neighborhoods are as follows: Nightingale Square -$269,550, Acer Tech Center - $166,300, Casper Park District - $80,134, Industrial Heights - $24,672. While the median household income for the entirety of the city comes to roughly $49,091.

People without health insurance, under age 65, is at its highest in Industrial heights (37.5%) followed by Casper Park District (22.7%), Acer Tech Center 1.5% and Nightingale Square 0.7%. Thus, it is very evident from the data that median household income is inversely proportional to the percentage of non-insured people in a neighborhood.

Neighborhood/community safety assessment

The neighborhood/community safety assessment tool helps to identify safety hazards within the city. The neighborhoods of Acer Tech and Nightingale Square gave clean and well-maintained buildings and streets with no pollution. There are more safety concerns and hazards in Casper Park and Industrial Heights. These include old, dirty and unrepaired buildings with graffiti on the walls. There is garbage outside buildings and bins are turned over with trash all around. An abandoned car was seen in Industrial Heights while another was set on fire. Rats and stray dogs are recognized around the city. The statistics also show that there have been 10-20% of strays observed in the last 4 years. 90%of the animals entering shelter were not spayed/neutered. Dog biting needing hospitalization is excessive in Industrial Heights, at 43%.

According to the statistics released by City Hall, the average EMS response time of Sentinel City is 7.46 minutes, which is a little behind comparison city 3 (5.43 minutes). Comparison city 2 has the highest time of 12.14 minutes and town 1 reports 8.32 minutes.

Sentinel City crime rate is reported to be 3,605 per 100,000. The violent crimes reported in the previous year were murder (20 incidents), rape (312), robbery (559) and aggravated assault (1231). Frequent charges included public intoxication (6%), reckless conduct (6%), criminal trespassing (9%), possession of a controlled substance (16%), battery (17%), warrants (23%) among others. As per a statement from officer Cooper, Nightingale Square has the lowest crime rate, while Industrial Heights and Casper Park District have greater crime rates. Gang violence is also present in the city. Last year there were 100 cases of gang-related aggravated assault, 20 cases of murder, 38 cases of rape and 40 robberies linked to gangs. More males than females have been victims of violent crimes, in general.

Scavenger hunt tool

The scavenger hunt tool provides us information about the services offered by community resources available to the residents of Sentinel City. The Department of Parks & Recreation offer informative lessons such as swimming classes, nutrition classes, gardening classes, kids summer programs, city sports leagues, adult fitness programs, and after-school programs. Frequent park complaints revolve around things such as park hygiene and upkeep, the excessive number of home-less individuals, and crime. The park and recreations budget has gone down from 60% in the year 1 to 35% last year.

The Healthcare System provides a variety of services for the elderly population. The portion of the elderly implementing the service in the last 12 months are as follows: elderly transportation - 6.8%, service animals-2.5%, meals on wheels – 1.3%, senior exploitation prevention advocates – 0.9%, community centers - 2.9%, government welfare – 7.6% and medicinal advocates – 8.3%. Living units for the elderly in the city include senior apartments, nursing home units, assisted living units, skilled nursing care beds, swing beds, and senior centers.

The social services provided by the city leadership include adult

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