Contextual Factors Applicable to the Client  Identifying the relationship between a person, environment, and person in an occupational therapy falls under the PEO model. Perfect comprehension of the domain aids in the realization of the occupational challenges and strategies that health experts can apply to solve the issues faced by clients. 

Contextual Factors Applicable to the Client  Identifying the relationship between a person, environment, and person in an occupational therapy falls under the PEO model. Perfect comprehension of the domain aids in the realization of the occupational challenges and strategies that health experts can apply to solve the issues faced by clients. 

Personal Contextual Factors
Values and Interests are two examples of the contextual factors that affect the people in
specific occupations. According to Schwartz, through his theory of human basic values, he
asserts that fundamental human values are transituational goals that are important in identifying
an individual's life and the social entity (Purc & Laguna, 2019, p. 4). People acquire values
through socialization. The lack of constant socialization due to the job schedules and family roles
affect Tony. The lack of ideal emotional intensity shown by Tony impacts him negatively since
there is a lack of proper balance in identifying his values. He concentrates so much in the
occupational environment, a case that denies him the opportunity to enjoy emotional balance.
The rise in the blood pressure at (135/85 mmHg) arises due to the lack of proper social balance
and socialization aspects in Tony's life. 


Interest is another contextual factor that falls under the personal aspect of a PEO model.
Yearning to know or learn more about something in the society has affected Tony's life. He has
so much interest in his IT job, a situation that prompts him to forego other perfect life
circumstances and stages. For instance, full concentration in his occupational contracts'
successful completion has denied him the chance to regain interest in sports and physical
activities that he once relished. Therefore, the lack of proper interest in physical and mental
development leads to mental imbalance and weak immune to fight diseases that hinder Tony's
social, cognitive, and psychosocial development. 
Environmental Contextual Factors
Physical and social factors are the significant factors that fall under the environment. The
physical aspect involves the accessibility, policies, and location of an office or places where
human activities occur (Van Hecke et al., 2016, n.p). Policies can act as physical factors that
affect the organization and completion of tasks. It ensures that employees determine the
operational aspect of a specific company. In Tony's case, it seems he had serious policies that
involved the time frame and deadline of the submission and competition of a contract. Such a
policy impacts Tony's development negatively since he cannot create a perfect time to engage in
the physical exercises and positive connection with other people other than family members out
of the professional setting. Lack of physical activity due to much time spent in offices also
impacts Tony negatively since he cannot spare time to attend workout centers. 
Social factors such as safety, family, and modeling impacted positively and negatively on
Tony's life. The safety concerning financial security he was rendering his family contributed to a
sense of satisfaction that, in turn, led to physical, psychosocial, and cognitive development (Van
Hecke et al., 2016, n.p). The fact that his family was satisfied due to the financial stability


contributed to a high level of satisfaction but denied him the time to check on his health. The
social factors would be less problematic in the future if Tony reduced the number of companies
he is offering his services. 
Occupational Contextual Factors 
Task and occupation are two factors that are vital in this category. A career's choice is
essential in an individual's life since it influences psychological, physical, and socio-economic
disparities that continue past a young age into adult life (Akosah-Twumasi et al., 2018, n.p). In
the psychological perspective, tight schedules can lead to mental trauma and development of the
heart conditions, which is evident in Tony's lineage. From the physical view, IT consultation as
an occupation contributes to a lack of perfect socialization due to the overconcentration on
machines and network sites. The situation is evident in Tony's life since his tight schedule
hinders engaging in social activities. Also, in the socio-economic aspect, balancing the parental
roles with financial responsibilities can lead to imbalance. Tony must work hard to establish a
perfect life for his family. The situation will be more problematic due to the innovative ideas that
require an IT consultant's concentration. The task at hand also affects an individual's
development. Tasks that do not create exposure to the social environment due to the lack of
constant social attention is disadvantageous (Akosah-Twumasi et al., 2018, n.p). Althoug

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