Controversies Associated with Personality and Paraphilic Disorders

Controversies Associated with Personality and Paraphilic Disorders

Introduction According to Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders 5th edition (DSM 5), paraphillic sexual disorder is any intense and persistent (lasting for at least 6 months), sexual interests not normophillic- genital stimulation with phenotypically normal, physically mature and consenting human. This can be sexual urges with inanimate objects, children and failure to obtain consent. Examples of these disorders include, fetishism, sadism, masochism, exhibitionism, Voyeurism, transvestism and pedophilia. However, diagnosis and treatment of these disorders has been greatly criticized. It is argued that it is a way of pathologizing sexual behaviors not accepted in the society. In most cases, these behaviors are treated as crimes but not mental problems. This paper will address pedophilia which is the sexual focus on children. This paper will address controversies surrounding this disorder, my professional beliefs and how to maintain good therapeutic relationship with clients who have such problems. Controversies surrounding Pedophilia Most people consider Paraphilia as either sexual orientation or immorality rather than a mental problem. Most people believe that perpetrators of such acts are criminals hence they need legal actions. In fact, such cases are very common in courts and are treated as serious crimes. The role of impulsivity in pedophilia is also subject to debate. It is assumed that people with pedophilia can't control themselves, and can't control their impulses to molest children. However, individuals with pedophilia hardly molest children. In fact studies done by various scientists have found no connection between pedophilia and impulse aggressive behaviors

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