Corporal Punishment at Schools

Corporal Punishment at Schools




Corporal punishment is a harsh method of punishing children for misbehavior, which involves causing.physical pain. While there have been numerous debates about it being wrong and many countries have banned it, corporal punishment remains is still frequently applied in many school systems over the world. Moreover, what concerns family upbringing, the ways of punishment can be recommended, but not controlled. Thus, many types of research have been performed with the aim of checking the negative impact of corporal punishment on the children’s behavior.

Alternatives to corporal punishment at schools


While many educators consider corporal punishment wrong and in some countries it is even illegal, there are states in which it is still a popular means of regulating the schoolchildren’s behavior. For instance, a research analyzing the alternatives to corporal punishment performed in Kenia shows that the teachers highly approve of it and want it to be supported at a state level (Mwenda 224). The alternatives such as parents’ involvement school suspension, counseling, and guidance are not favored by the Kenyan teachers (Mwenda 224). The students report that educators apply corporal punishment to exercise their authority, although there are other means of maintaining discipline in the classroom (Mwenda 229).


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