COVID-19 Impacts on Vertical Maternal-Fetus Transmission

COVID-19 Impacts on Vertical Maternal-Fetus Transmission


The health condition of women during pregnancy determines the well-being of their fetuses. During pregnancy, women with psychological or physical challenges are prone to physically weak newborn babes and may have severe difficulties during childbirth. For instance, pregnant women with adverse health challenges are likely to undergo caesarean during child delivery. Since previous research reveals a correlation in maternal-fetal health conditions, several studies have examined the impacts of COVID 19 infection during pregnancy. In this article,” Pregnant women with COVID-19 and risk of adverse birth outcomes and maternal-fetal vertical transmission: a population-based cohort study in Wuhan, China,” Yang et al. investigated the negative consequences of COVID 19 infection of the fetus. They also determined whether there was a vertical maternal-fetus coronavirus transmission. (1) Indeed, this study extensively revealed significant adverse impacts during child delivery but very few maternal-fetal vertical coronavirus disease transmissions, characterized by a good study design and proper data collection methods.

Yang et al. executed a study of the SARS-CoV-2 effect on mothers who had pregnancy and the possibility of utero vertical transmission to their neonates. Studies have shown that pregnant women have an increased incidence of respiratory viruses. Therefore, infection with SARS-CoV-2 by pregnant women may include maternal death, birth before the expected time, or neonatal medical aid. The researchers divided 11,078 pregnant women into two groups. One group with 65 pregnant women was diagnosed with COVID-19, while the opposite group was free of infection. The authors followed a “population-based cohort study”(p.2) that happened on January 13th and March 18th of 2020 in Wuhan, China. As a piece of the intense danger observation during pregnancy, the COVID-19 was a diagnosis registered within the “Maternal and Child Health Information Management System” (p.2) (MCIHMS) for pregnant women and followed up with mobile calls interviews to ask whether the babies are infected with COVID-19 or not. Furthermore, two essential assessment tools were employed in this experimentation using SAS version 9.4 for all findings. The primary assessment tool used was the chi-square test with one variable that compares the two groups of infected maternal and uninfected to estimate the ratio of newborns. In conditions with variables that could be perplexing, the second assessment tool used regression models with multiple variables to analyse the relationship between mothers’ COVID-19 status and unfriendly birth results. The study’s findings indicated a significant difference between the two groups; thus, infection throughout pregnancy with SARS-CoV-2 can lead to multiple delivery issues. This means the speed of caesarean and before the expected time delivery was higher in the first group (i.e., the infected group) than the opposite group (i.e., the uninfected group). Based on the Computer Tomography (CT) scan findings and SARS-CoV-2 examination for neonates, only three of them had a fever and one diarrhoea..

For sure, the findings of this study revealed notable strengths in the study design and data collection methods. Firstly, the authors conducted a population-based cohort study comprising of 11078 pregnant women in Wuhan, China. For sure, the study design was fit for accurate and reliable findings. For instance, all the pregnant women underwent COVID 19 diagnosis to ascertain their coronavirus status. Besides, the large sample ensured that all the demographic variables such as age were well represented. Also, this design confirmed that there was enough follow-up to ascertain the reliability of the findings. For example, all pregnant women were evaluated before and after delivery. According to Canova and Cantarutti, population-based cohort studies are ideal for establishing longitudinal study outcomes and are typically fit for generalization and replication. (2) Therefore, this study’s findings are likely accurate and have generalization power. Secondly, the authors use proper data collection mechanisms to assess various perceived effects of coronavirus infection on pregnant women and their unborn babies. For instance, all participants were subjected to a COVID 19 laboratory test at least once. In addition, those who tested negative on the first test but had coronavirus signs and symptoms were tested again to confirm their negativity. Also, the pregnant women with COVID 19 infection underwent a Computed Tomography scan to check the physical condition of the fetus. According to Mohajan, proper measuring tools are highly associated with accurate results, which guarantee reliable outcomes. (3) Of course, some scholars may have different opinions regarding the study design and measurement tools. For instance, Chu argues that the

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