Creating a Professional Development Plan Topic: Capella University Professional Development Course: MSNFP6103

Creating a Professional Development Plan Topic: Capella University Professional Development Course: MSNFP6103

Creating a Professional Development Plan

Topic: Capella University Professional Development
Course: MSNFP6103


This paper aims at developing a professional plan for my professional career as an MSN-prepared nurse practitioner. An MSN degree offers nursing students a specialized set of vital skills to fill the essential healthcare roles in today’s dynamic healthcare. As an MSN-prepared nurse, one can positively influence the healthcare field by offering accessible, cost-effective healthcare to their clients. Therefore, creating an MSN professional development plan provides novice nurses a directional path to transit into their MSN- prepared nurses. An MSN development plan enables the MSN-prepared nurse to explore the MSN scope of practice specific to their states. This professional development plan will incorporate different elements like specific professional goals, scholarship activities or plans, additional social, economic, political, or institutional forces, and development of leadership roles. Additionally, this development plan will incorporate specific strategies to achieve the short-term and long-term professional goals (Horntvedt et al., 2018). Moreover, I hope to utilize my MSN qualifications to educate flexible nurses who can address the gaps in the ever-growing healthcare needs of patients

Specific Area of Focus in Nursing Education

My specific area of focus is in nursing education is to become an MSN-prepared nurse educator, which is a specialty field that focuses on teaching and preparing licensed practical nurses (LP) and registered nurses (RNs) to enter the nursing practice field. A nurse educator can also educate in different patient care settings to offer continuing education to licensed nurses. Nurse education has gained substantial popularity since quality education became the foundation for creating a competent health care staff equipped with the knowledge, attitudes, and skills that are necessary to delivering quality care. The nature of transformation within the healthcare system implies that the nursing education program needs to visualize the future expectations to address healthcare issues affecting the contemporary healthcare field. The MSN program prepares nursing students to lead change by enhancing clinical care quality for their patients (Fiset, Graham, & Davies, 2017). In most cases, effective healthcare delivery in a society is dependent on the level of knowledge about nursing interventions and skills the nurses possess.

I hope to secure employment as a Clinical Nurse Educator (CNE) working within the healthcare system. Persons holding this position are engaged in several activities, incorporating strengthening the nursing workforce, serving as role models, and offer leadership required to implement evidence-based practice (Fennimore & Warshawsky, 2019). As an MSN-prepared nurse specializing as a nurse educator, one will help the healthcare team implement evidence-based practice. MSN-prepared nurse educators develop coursework curriculum, teach nurses, evaluate programs, oversee clinical rotations, and conduct research. Besides, MSN-prepared clinical nurse education specialist is involved in coordinating multidisciplinary teams’ efforts to attain alternative plans to address patient-care issues (Fiset, Graham, & Davies, 2017). I hope to instill a culture of long-life learning by incorporating the best practices acquired through continuous observation of evidence to enhance current care.

As MSN-prepared nurse educators, individuals require some education competencies to enhance their effectiveness while training other nurses. They need to be updated on the latest curriculum guidelines to inspire knowledge creation through evidence and research. Again, nurse educators ought to be critical thinkers, effective problem solvers, and efficient communicators. Additionally, the MSN-prepared nurse educators must display good leadership, good team players, collaborators, practice professionalism, and innovators (Fennimore & Warshawsky, 2019). Having these qualities encourage the evidence-based practice by stirring learning via collaboration.

Specific Professional goals

My first specific goal is to use my knowledge, skills, and theory to identify patient care needs through critical thinking for therapeutic reasons. Currently, there is an increase in the focus on improving healthcare to ensure quality, greater access, and better values for their money. As a result, systematic improvements of the healthcare profession require transformative thinking skills of nurse educators and evolutionary transformations in graduate education to overcome the obstacles in healthcare. Similarly, the creation of knowledge, explosion of technolog

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