Cultural Self-Assessment of a Nurse

Cultural Self-Assessment of a Nurse




The Staircase Model represents important characteristics of the nurse at various stages of cultural competence development; nevertheless, that individual comprehends these characteristics. As a result, it is critical that nurses accurately evaluate themselves in this self-assessment. The assessment also suggests a possible reason for the attributes considered and regular patient care–related behaviors and strategies for moving forward. As a result, a staircase seemed ideal for demonstrating upward movement.

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Cultural Destructiveness

The activity of eliminating a people’s cultural heritage is known as cultural destructiveness. It can take many forms, ranging from replacing the names of structures and highways to suppressing a people’s culture and art, resulting in the demise of culture and traditional incarceration (Constantinou et al., 2020). When a dominant party takes the emblems, language, and habits of a vulnerable minority without knowing or honoring its history or culture, this is the most subtle type of cultural destructiveness.

Cultural Incapacity

The failure to comprehend one’s own culture is known as cultural incapacity. It results from a long period of ethnic solitude, which inhibits the person from gaining the skills needed to be a contributing part of their culture (Constantinou et al., 2020). Emotional and physical isolation, which can be produced by dwelling in a largely non-native culture, being nurtured in a single cultural identity, or being born in a setting with little exposure to many cultures, are the most frequent reasons for cultural incapacity.

Cultural Blindness

The failure to acknowledge one’s cultural legacy, particularly history, and inability to notice the presence of another heritage or an inability to understand the value that others place on their own culture, is known as cultural blindness. Cultural blind zones are emotional and cognitive prejudices that prevent people from seeing the impact of their traditional norms on their views and the need to change their behavior to reflect those values (Constantinou et al., 2020). Long-term exposure to a single ethnic group can prompt cultural blindness.


Pre-competency is the initial stage of cultural competency. Individuals at this level are aware of their heritage and its impact on their views, beliefs, and actions. Persons at this level can participate in and understand their own culture; however, their capacity to comprehend and interact with other cultures is minimal (Constantinou et al., 2020). People at this stage cannot learn the skills required to function as competent members of their culture.

Basic Cultural Competency

Basic cultural competency is the second step of cultural competency. People at this level can participate in and understand their native culture, and they are starting to build the competency required to be productive members of it. Persons at this stage still have inadequate skills to perceive and engage in other cultures. However, they continue to gain the ability to notice how their own culture influences their ideas, attitudes, and behaviors (Constantinou et al., 2020). In addition, individuals start developing the ability to recognize when they need to change their conduct to comply with their culture’s ideals.


Advanced cultural competency is the third step of cultural awareness. Persons in this phase can perceive the impact of their native tradition on their values, thoughts, and actions and are learning to grasp the need to change their conduct to adhere to their culture’s ideals. People at this level are still confined in their capacity to identify and take part in other traditions. Still, they are starting to acquire the skill to see their own culture’s blind spots and the potential to adapt their behavior to comply with their culture’s norms (Constantinou et al., 2020). At this level, people are starting to acquire the skills to progress their culture.

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