Demonstrate an understanding of basic C++ programming concepts by completing the following: • Program: Create a simple C++ console application that will write a program that will take string input from a user. Your program should reverse the string and then print the output to the screen. Take input from the user 3 times for varying string lengths. String Input Console Application and Program Analysis- Program Analysis String Input Console Application and Program Analysis- Program Analysis • Program Analysis: Given your program implementation, discuss and identify the possible vulnerabilities that may exist. If present, discuss solutions to minimize the vulnerabilities. Then, discuss and identify possible problems that can result in errors for string manipulation of data.

String Input Console Application and Program Analysis- Program Analysis

• Program Analysis: Given your program implementation, discuss and identify the possible vulnerabilities that may exist. If present, discuss solutions to minimize the vulnerabilities. Then, discuss and identify possible problems that can result in errors for string manipulation of data.


Demonstrate an understanding of basic C++ programming concepts by completing the following: • Program: Create a simple C++ console application that will write a program that will take string input from a user. Your program should reverse the string and then print the output to the screen. Take input from the user 3 times for varying string lengths. String Input Console Application and Program Analysis- Program Analysis String Input Console Application and Program Analysis- Program Analysis • Program Analysis: Given your program implementation, discuss and identify the possible vulnerabilities that may exist. If present, discuss solutions to minimize the vulnerabilities. Then, discuss and identify possible problems that can result in errors for string manipulation of data.

String Input Console Application and Program Analysis- Program Analysis

The developed string input console application works by taking string inputs from the user, reverses the string, and prints out an output. Below is a screenshot of the program’s printout.

Possible Vulnerabilities

The program requires the user to enter one string after the other, that is, strings one, two, and three. The user should ensure one string input is used for each prompt. The program may have errors in the out string, such as the one that requires the user to input text and the one displaying the output.

The program is not scalable. It requires one to install a C++ compiler to run the program. The program is a console application that will require the user to manually run it using the compiler. Lastly, the program is not executable. To test or to use the program, the user will have to install all the applications required to run a C++ program, such as an editor and a compiler.

Solutions to the Vulnerabilities

To solve the identified vulnerabilities, the program must have a clear message to improve the clarity of the message and functions of the program. The program’s outputs are in lines that follow each other sequentially, which might predispose some users to confusion about the output interpretation. To solve this, the program should point specifically. Lastly, the program should have an executable file to allow users to install it on different computers. The solution to this is building the program and getting the executable file.

Possible Problems That Can Result in Errors for String Manipulation

In the application and execution of the program, possible problems that might lead to errors might be present. These include the user can enter separate strings in one entry, which will be read as a different entry. The users are required to enter a single string in each prompt input for string one, string two, and string three. Entering multiple strings in each prompt will create an error as the input is declared as a string. Error in the string can lead to unexpected output. The program codes can be implemented using “getline()” instead of “can” to ensure that blank spaces are read as a string.


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