Describe how you achieved each course competency, including at least one example of new knowledge gained related to that competency Describe how you achieved the transferable skill, Communication, including at least one example of new knowledge gained related to the transferable skill. Describe how this new knowledge will impact your nursing practice.

Describe how you achieved each course competency, including at least one example of new knowledge gained related to that competency Describe how you achieved the transferable skill, Communication, including at least one example of new knowledge gained related to the transferable skill. Describe how this new knowledge will impact your nursing practice.

Mental Health Nursing Reflection Essay

The key student learning objectives have guided my process of acquiring new knowledge, attitudes, and skills throughout this module. Despite the increased prevalence of mental health concerns, there is gross underutilization of the mental health nursing workforce. I have learned about the foundations of mental health nursing, its history, components, and modifying factors of mental health disorders and areas of practice (Hurley et al., 2022). Technical knowledge was gained through direct instruction, group discussions, and self-study. The technical knowledge gained will ensure that I am adequately prepared to meet the mental health needs of patients during practice.

Ethical and legal concerns are important aspects of all nursing practice. The Mental Healthcare Act (MHCA) of 2017 outlines patient rights and the responsibilities of mental health professionals, including nurses (Bipeta, 2019). In this module, I have learned about the principles of ethical practice in the medicolegal landscape in the country and will employ this knowledge to ensure that patient’s rights are upheld during training and practice. An example is understanding disability in mental disorders and ensuring that chosen care maintains patient dignity and is not harmful to them. The knowledge was learned through case study reviews and self-study.

The module also identified the different evidence-based nursing interventions in mental health nursing. They include strategies for stress management, psychoeducation, and promoting patient self-coping skills. Further, developing effective therapeutic relationships with patients is important in achieving the desired outcomes of therapy (Hartley et al., 2020). Competency in this learning area was achieved through research on appropriate interventions in different conditions such as substance abuse and schizophrenia. An example of gaining new knowledge is evaluating patient culture and history to ensure effective therapeutic relationships are developed. Skills in cultural competence will help me be prepared to employ effective interventions for diverse groups of patients.

Eating disorders and Mood disorders are common mental health concerns that nurses encounter in everyday practice. Therefore, it is important for us to have the technical expertise and knowledge to manage these patients. Nursing care strategies in eating disorder patients involve a complete assessment to determine the overall patient condition, such as weight and vital signs, and thus develop a baseline from which the effectiveness of interventions will be evaluated. Examples of interventions include supporting behavioral changes, nutritional supplementation, overseeing adherence to pharmacotherapy, and patient education. Nursing care interventions covered in this module include ensuring patient safety, meeting the patient’s physiologic needs, developing therapeutic alliances, supporting positive behaviors, and ensuring adherence to pharmacotherapeutic interventions. The knowledge was gained through physical lectures and patient case reviews.

Knowledge of factors that Impact mental Health in Special Populations was achieved through research on these special populations, including victims of abuse and persons undergoing grief. Nurses should be competent in identifying mental health needs in persons undergoing abuse, including child abuse and intimate partner abuse. For example, children undergoing abuse may present with variable complaints that are not always attributed to infections but to mental wellness. Comprehensive nursing assessment will ensure that such children access care that is safe, effective, and of high quality.

Gaining communication skills was another highlight of my experience in learning this module. Nurses comprise the largest proportion of the healthcare workforce and have significant contact hours with patients, a role that demands effective communication skills. This is no difference in mental health nursing. Techniques learned include effective listening, the use of silence, and asking open-ended questions. These skills ensure that I offer broad openings and communicate better with patients so as to gather more information that will guide the choice of nursing interventions. Overall, this module has effectively developed the identified competencies and ensured that I am a good mental health nurse.


Hurley, J., Lakeman, R., Linsley, P., Ramsay, M., & Mckenna‐Lawson, S. (2022). Utilizing the mental health nursing workforce: A scoping review of mental health nursing clinical roles and identities. International Journal of Mental Health Nursing.


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