Describe the contemporary issue and explain what external stressors are associated with this issue. Outline assessment strategies to screen for this issue and external stressors during an assessment for an adolescent patient. Describe what additional assessment questions you would need to ask and

Describe the contemporary issue and explain what external stressors are associated with this issue. Outline assessment strategies to screen for this issue and external stressors during an assessment for an adolescent patient. Describe what additional assessment questions you would need to ask and

Assessment Strategies to Screen for the Issue and External Stressors

When assessing adolescents for substance use and the associated external stressors, one strategy can be through the use of biological screening tests. Urine or blood samples can be taken and analyzed if an adolescent uses a drug such as alcohol. Another strategy is through the use of questionnaires. An adolescent can be asked to fill out a questionnaire assessing substance use. A questionnaire is effective as it can help determine external stressors and how an adolescent is affected by substance use. Some questions that can be asked for additional assessment include: What do you think is the main reason you engage in substance use? Has substance use ever made you do something you would not normally do? Do you think your mood is affected by substance use? However, before an assessment is done, it is crucial to first build trust with the adolescent by informing them that only personal questions will be asked, and their responses will help give the best treatment possible. It is also important to assure them that all the information they provide will be kept private. This would mean the information should not be disclosed to the parents. Such information may include their engagement in substance abuse and the activities they engage in after abusing drugs. However, where necessary, information would be shared with parents with the adolescents’ consent. This may include information that may help parents monitor the behaviors of an adolescent.

Support Options

One support option for adolescents is implementing programs promoting involvement in family-based therapy. Family therapy sessions bring together people closest to an addicted adolescent to discuss problems such as problem-solving and inadequate family communication (Wang et al., 2019). Through family therapy, solutions to external stressors such as neglect and physical abuse can be devised. External stressors such as sexual and physical abuse can affect adolescents’ mental health. Therefore, it would be recommended that adolescents who are victims of such malpractices be taken to mental health centers where their mental health can be assessed and managed. Also, enrolling them in rehabilitation programs would be necessary to help adolescents stop engaging in substance use. Their participation in rehabilitation programs would motivate them to stop substance abuse as they would meet peers who are also striving to stop substance abuse.


Overall, substance use is an issue of concern in adolescents. External stressors such as physical abuse, sexual abuse, and peer relationships facilitate their engagement in substance abuse. They should be assessed using biological screening tests and questionnaires before being managed. All ethical parameters should be considered during the assessment. Support options such as family therapy sessions, admission to mental health centers, and enrolment in rehabilitation programs can help address the issue of substance use and the associated external stressors.


Halladay, J., Woock, R., El-Khechen, H., Munn, C., MacKillop, J., Amlung, M., Ogrodnik, M., Favotto, L., Aryal, K., Noori, A., Killen, M., & Georgiades, K. (2020). Patterns of substance use among adolescents: A systematic review. Drug and Alcohol Dependence216, 108222.


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