Describe the relationship between the family’s concept of health promotion and that of the community. Explain how the family’s concept of health promotion affects the community’s definition of health promotion. Explain the influence of family beliefs and values on the definition of health and their relationship to health promotion. Step 3 Read other students’ posts and respond to at least two of them by Friday 11:59 pm MT. In your response to each of your peers, choose at least two things you agree with and explain your opinions. Use your personal experience, if it’s relevant, to support or debate other students’ posts. If differences of opinion occur, debate the issues professionally and provide examples to support your opinion. Your initial post should be 2-3 paragraphs long and follow the requirements outlined in the discussion rubric. Please add to the discussion in your peer responses with informative responses instead of posts similar to “great idea! I really agree with you.” T

Describe the relationship between the family’s concept of health promotion and that of the community. Explain how the family’s concept of health promotion affects the community’s definition of health promotion. Explain the influence of family beliefs and values on the definition of health and their relationship to health promotion. Step 3 Read other students’ posts and respond to at least two of them by Friday 11:59 pm MT. In your response to each of your peers, choose at least two things you agree with and explain your opinions. Use your personal experience, if it’s relevant, to support or debate other students’ posts. If differences of opinion occur, debate the issues professionally and provide examples to support your opinion. Your initial post should be 2-3 paragraphs long and follow the requirements outlined in the discussion rubric. Please add to the discussion in your peer responses with informative responses instead of posts similar to “great idea! I really agree with you.” T

Health Promotion-Latino Community

My choice of community for this assignment is the Latino community that lives in my neighborhood, and for the family within that community, I chose my next-door neighbors. Based on what I know of my neighbors, their definition of health is based on being in a state whereby every member of the family is in optimal physical, spiritual, and mental well-being. On the other hand, the Latino community describes health as the community being in a safe and secure state, specifically in terms of disease prevention, health promotion, treatment, and healthcare interventions.

The relationship between my neighbor’s idea of health promotion and that of the Latino community corresponds to each other. The family’s idea of health promotion impacts the community’s definition of health promotion in a complementary way. Basically, a family is a micro-unit community that, combined with others, makes up a whole community. Therefore, by ensuring the well-being of everyone in the family, the health of the community is elevated. For instance, my neighbors ensured they were all vaccinated against coronavirus, which everyone else in the community did as well.

Family beliefs and values are founded on several factors, including religion, culture, education, and personal opinions, just to name a few. Such beliefs influence their notion of what is health, death, and the causes and best treatment methods for illnesses (Rumun, 2014). Notably, these factors then create informal guidelines for families on promoting and sustaining their health (Hatah et al., 2015). These factors also influence how families promote their health, which sometimes contradicts community health promotion. For example, some parents are against immunization of their children due to various beliefs; however, this goes against community health promotion because other children, especially newborn babies, are at risk of getting preventable diseases from unimmunized children.


Hatah, E., Lim, K. P., Ali, A. M., Mohamed Shah, N., & Islahudin, F. (2015). The influence of cultural and religious orientations on social support and its potential impact on medication adherence. Patient preference and adherence, 589-596.

Rumun, A. J. (2014). Influence of religious beliefs on healthcare practice. International Journal of Education and Research2(4), 37-48.


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