Develop a communication plan for each person associated with the Project Charter, e.g., Executive Sponsor, Stakeholders, Team Leader, Team members.

Develop a communication plan for each person associated with the Project Charter, e.g., Executive Sponsor, Stakeholders, Team Leader, Team members.

Develop a communication plan for each person associated with the Project Charter, e.g., Executive Sponsor, Stakeholders, Team Leader, Team members.
Team Member/Stakeholder. Purpose of communication (Inform, share, engage, solicit information?). Frequency and timing of communication. (How often, specific stages of project?) Method of communication (consider audience, method, culture, language, inclusion). Who is responsible for the communication to this member? (Why is it important who delivers the message?) Potential challenges/ barriers or assets with communication (barriers, language, culture, different disciplines, best practices (cite the literature 1-2 sources as needed).

Intervention and Measurement

Planned Intervention Evidence supporting the intervention needs to be provided. A minimum of five evidence- based resources required (for example, research articles, clinical practice guidelines, consensus statements). Describe the planned intervention including:

·        Describe 2-3 interventions that can be applied in this practice change

·        Interventions identified are consistent with the synthesis of the literature.

·        There is logical progression from the synthesis of the literature to the practice recommendation to the proposed intervention of the project.

·        Defines the intervention very specifically and operationally so that anyone replicating this project could apply the same intervention.

·        Scope of work detailing week by week what will be done and estimated hours (include as appendix).

·        Appropriate appendices are included.


Improvement Model / Framework

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