Develop a hypothetical health promotion plan, 3-4 pages in length, addressing a specific health concern for an individual or a group living in the community that you identified from the topic list provided. Bullying. Teen Pregnancy. LGBTQIA + Health. Sudden Infant Death (SID). Immunization. Tobacco use (including all: vaping, e-cigarettes, hookah, chewing tobacco, and smoking) cessation. Health Promotion Plan-Teenage Pregnancy Health Promotion Plan-Teenage Pregnancy Introduction Historically, nurses have made significant contributions to community and public health with regard to health promotion, disease prevention, and environmental and public safety. They have also been instrumental in shaping public health policy. Today, community and public health nurses have a key role in identifying and developing plans of care to address local, national, and international health issues. The goal of community and public health nursing is to optimize the health of individuals and families, tak

Health Promotion Plan-Teenage Pregnancy

Historically, nurses have made significant contributions to community and public health with regard to health promotion, disease prevention, and environmental and public safety. They have also been instrumental in shaping public health policy. Today, community and public health nurses have a key role in identifying and developing plans of care to address local, national, and international health issues. The goal of community and public health nursing is to optimize the health of individuals and families, taking into consideration cultural, racial, and ethnic groups, communities, and populations. Caring for a population involves identifying the factors that place the population’s health at risk and developing specific interventions to address those factors. The community/public health nurse uses epidemiology as a tool to customize disease prevention and health promotion strategies disseminated to a specific population. Epidemiology is the branch of medicine that investigates the causes of various diseases in a specific population (CDC, 2012; Healthy People 2030, n.d.).

As an advocate and educator, the community/public health nurse is instrumental in providing individuals, groups, and aggregates with the tools that are essential for health promotion and disease prevention. There is a connection between one’s quality of life and their health literacy. Health literacy is related to the knowledge, comprehension, and understanding of one’s condition along with the ability to find resources that will treat, prevent, maintain, or cure their condition. Health literacy is impacted by the individual’s learning style, reading level, and ability to understand and retain the information being provided. The individual’s technology aptitude and proficiency in navigating available resources is an essential component to making informed decisions and to the teaching-learning process (CDC, 2012; Healthy People 2030, n.d.).


Develop a hypothetical health promotion plan, 3-4 pages in length, addressing a specific health concern for an individual or a group living in the community that you identified from the topic list provided. Bullying. Teen Pregnancy. LGBTQIA + Health. Sudden Infant Death (SID). Immunization. Tobacco use (including all: vaping, e-cigarettes, hookah, chewing tobacco, and smoking) cessation. Health Promotion Plan-Teenage Pregnancy Health Promotion Plan-Teenage Pregnancy Introduction Historically, nurses have made significant contributions to community and public health with regard to health promotion, disease prevention, and environmental and public safety. They have also been instrumental in shaping public health policy. Today, community and public health nurses have a key role in identifying and developing plans of care to address local, national, and international health issues. The goal of community and public health nursing is to optimize the health of individuals and families, tak

Health Promotion Plan-Teenage Pregnancy

Health promotion enables the target population to gain better control over their health. Health promotion embraces a holistic approach by focusing on social, behavioural, and environmental factors. The target population should be involved adequately in the formulation of a health promotion plan. This paper discusses a health promotion plan for teenage pregnancy.

The Health Concern

Teenage pregnancy is an issue of concern globally. This refers to the pregnancies recorded among females aged below twenty years. WHO (2022) reports that about twenty-one million teen pregnancies are recorded annually in countries with low and middle socioeconomic statuses. Out of this population, teen pregnancy results in more than twelve million unplanned pregnancies (WHO, 2022). Approximately fifty-five per cent of unplanned pregnancies result in abortions (WHO, 2022). In addition, (2021) reports that the teenage birth rate has declined significantly over the past years. For instance, the birth rate decreased by four per cent from 2018 to 2019 (, 2021). The greatest decline in birth rates (about seven per cent) was observed among the age group 15 to 17 years (, 2021). Evaluation reveals disparities in teen pregnancies in the USA. For instance, the America-Indians have the highest cases of teen pregnancies and births (, 2021). The non-Hispanic blacks have the second highest cases, whereas Hispanics have the third highest cases (, 2021). The least number of cases were recorded among non-Hispanic whites.

Various factors have been linked to teenage pregnancy. Firstly, limited information about sexual and reproductive health increases the likelihood of teen pregnancies (Wong et al., 2020). In this context, teenagers are unaware of safe sexual practices; hence, they are prone to pregnancies. Secondly, limited access to local community resources increases the likelihood of teen pregnancy (Wong et al., 2020). Community resources play a significant role in teenage education and the provision of reproductive health services. Thirdly, cultural practices that advocate for teenage marriages propagate the risk of teen pregnancies (Wong et al., 2020). Fourthly, a high prevalence of sexual violence increases the risk of teenage pregnancy.

Various strategies can be adopted to address this problem. To begin with, pertinent sexual and reproductive health education should be availed (Kantor et al., 2020). This will enable teens to understand the impact of teen pregnancy and the relevance of abstinence or using contraceptive methods. Also, reproductive health services that seek to avail effective contraceptive methods should be embraced (Kantor et al., 2020). This will ensure that sexually active teens access timely contraceptives to avert pregnancies. Furthermore, prevention programs should target the public (Kantor et al., 2020). The programs should encourage parents to refrain from child and teen marriage practices. Parents should be involved in teen education.

Importance of the Identified Health Concern

Teen pregnancy is a relevant concern that requires health promotion. Firstly, data indicates that it affects a lot of teenagers in the USA and other countries globally. For instance, WHO (2022) reports that about twenty-one million teen pregnancies are recorded annually in countries with low and middle socioeconomic statuses. Out of this population, teen pregnancy results in more than twelve million unplanned pregnancies (WHO, 2022). (2021) reported that the prevalence of teen pregnancy in the USA is about 16.7 cases per 1000 females. As such, concerted efforts should focus on lowering the prevalence of teen pregnancy.

Secondly, teenage pregnancy predisposes teens to various risks. (2021) reports that about 50 per cent of pregnant teens are likely to drop out of school. Furthermore, children born to teen mothers are likely to have more medical problems and attain lower educational levels compared to the general population (, 2021). Also, teen maternal mortality rates are higher compared to the general population. Pregnant teens are prone to other problems, such as stillbirths, miscarriages, and obstetric fistulas (Wong et al., 2020). In addition, teen pregnancy has an economic impact. For instance, (n.d.) reports that the USA spends more than $11 billion annually to address healthcare and social issues associated with teen pregnancy.

Health Goals

The hypothetical participants comprise teenagers. In the context of teenage pregnancy, these participants have various learning needs. To begin with, they should understand the causes of teen pregnancies (Kantor et al., 2020). Also, they should understand the impact of teen pregnancy. Furthermore, they should familiarize

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