Development of an Inter-professional Team Course:NURS-FPX4010

Development of an Inter-professional Team Course:NURS-FPX4010


This paper is a discussion of the factors contributing to problems in health care and the need for inter-professional collaboration among physicians and nurses to improve quality and safety in health care. The effectiveness of leadership approaches is discussing and determining the role of leaders in implementing collaborative health care improvement projects. Lastly is a discussion about the scholar-practitioner models in resolving healthcare issues.

Development of an Inter-professional Team

Leadership refers to the behavior of a person when directing a group of people towards a set achievement (Kershaw, 2013). The main aspect of leadership is influencing a group of people doing certain activities and also coping with change. A healthcare system is a large organization and has numerous groups (Kershaw, 2013). The groups might conflict or be in support of each other. To utilize resources efficiently and adequately, leadership must use the diversity present in the healthcare organization during the management process design (Kershaw, 2013). Leadership must also encourage and guide the personnel towards a common goal. People are looking for quality services and products always because quality is increasingly becoming dominant in life. Quality improvement results in structural improvement and improvement in the general process. According to Biharlal srivasthav (2016), good health care refers to providing patients with the appropriate services in a competent manner, with excellent communication, shared decision making, and cultural sensitivity. Providing patients with efficient and effective services following the provided clinical guidelines constitutes good health care.

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         Patient-related, provider related, and environmental factors all contribute to problematic healthcare. Patient-related factors such as the patient cooperation, type of illness the patient has and their socio-demographic variables influence how the patient and the service provider interact affecting the quality of service the patients receive (Sudirman, 2016). Health care workers must understand and be aware of their patient’s socio-demography to provide quality services. 

         Patient cooperation and involvement affect the delivery of services, ultimately the quality of health services. Information provided by a patient to health care workers determines the clinical outcomes. Patients trust in physicians is a crucial factor in achieving an excellent medical outcome; without trust, the patients do not provide complete information on the disease. The treatment process is then flawed because the physician does not have complete information on the condition affecting the patient. Having good relations with patients and previous good experience improves the quality of healthcare service delivery.

 The skills and knowledge of the service provider is a significant influence on healthcare (Burke, 2011). High-quality health care majorly depends on the technical skills and understanding of the physician. Lack of knowledge and skills in healthcare professionals can lead to a problem in service delivery. The motivation and job satisfaction of physicians and nurses are essential in the delivery of high-quality services to patients. When the working environment and leadership are not right, the motivation to do the job is low, resulting in poor service delivery leading to a problem in health care.

         Inter professional collaboration refers to working together in teams and relying on other individuals to reinforce and improve their work while working towards a common more significant goal (Summerskill & Horton, 2013). Lack of inter professional cooperation among health workers leads to poor performance and poor service delivery to patients. Poor communication in the field of health care is often the leading cause of medical errors. Teamwork and functional relationships in the workplace can help reduce medical errors and ultimately improve the outcomes. Inter professional collaboration promotes and enhances care coordination across all settings in health care. Because of teamwork, the care condition of patients improves. Inter professional collaboration encourages knowledge sharing and working towards the improvement of the patient's health. The healthcare physicians learn about responsibilities and roles from each other. Inter-professional collaboration results in better communication with little or no error during patient transfer, for example, from surgery to the ICU.

         If phys

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