Difference between a DNP and a PhD in Nursing

 Difference between a DNP and a PhD in Nursing


Nurses thinking of earning a doctorate have different options to pursue leadership paths in nursing. The goals of the nurses determine the path to take when going for a doctorate. DNP (Doctor of Nursing Practice) and Ph.D. (Doctor of Philosophy) are the most common terminal degrees that nurses can earn. The two have differences, and therefore, nurses may choose different paths based on the scope of each degree. DNP focuses on the nature of practice in its programs, while Ph.D. focuses on research in its program (Neal-Boylan, 2020). Nurses with goals related to clinical practice should go for a DNP, while those interested in research should go for a Ph.D.

DNP emphasizes clinical practice, which aims to improve the advancing nurses’ nursing practice. Both leadership skills and clinical practice are emphasized in DNP, where advancing nurses are required to turn research into evidence-based practice (Canady, 2021). Ph.D., on the other hand, emphasizes research in nursing where advancing nurses are required to develop new evidence-based knowledge to be used in nursing (Neal-Boylan, 2020). Ph.D. nurses develop various studies to address medical issues or problems using scientific concepts, data analysis, and data evaluation (Parse, 2021). Ph.D. nurses thus venture into research and education.

If I decide to continue with my education to the doctoral level, I will pursue a DNP. My career goals and focus are to improve nursing practice in the clinical area by applying evidence-based practice. I also aim to improve leadership, implement healthcare policies, and improve the quality of care given to patients. I also enjoy nursing practice more than doing research. With modern technology and information technology, I aim to incorporate the trends in providing high-quality care. By pursuing a DNP, I will be able to achieve my career goals in the clinical area. Hence, I would pursue a DNP at the doctorate level.


Canady, K. (2021). Practical and philosophical considerations in choosing the DNP or PhD in nursing. Journal of Professional Nursing37(1), 163-168.

Neal-Boylan, L. (2020). PhD or DNP? That Is the Question. The Journal for Nurse Practitioners16(2), A5-A6.


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