Differences Among Low-, Middle-, and High-Range Nursing Theories

Differences Among Low-, Middle-, and High-Range Nursing Theories


Nursing Theories
A low-range nursing theory is limited to a narrow assortment of patient events such as catheter care. It often incorporates a range of working premises or hypotheses (McEwen & Wills, 2018). Researchers use such working hypotheses to classify, describe, and test health-related patient-environment connections cautiously. On the other hand, high-range nursing theories provide an essential contribution to the nursing field. High-range theories provide universal explanations and understanding without the particulars necessary for empirical testing (Higgins & Shirley, 2000). In their nature, they possess limited predictive ability but can add to the historical understanding of nursing to reflect the context and time when the authors created their theories.

A middle-range nursing theory is relatively new to nursing and has a narrow focus compared to grand or high-range theories. While high-range theories are broad, middle-range are fundamentally specific, restricted to a number of concepts and a limited view of the world (McEwen & Wills, 2018). Middle-range theories can be function


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