Differentiate major depression from dysthymic disorder

Differentiate major depression from dysthymic disorder

Major depression and dysthymic disorder is a social and human burden. The difference between
depression from dysthymic is that, depression is a major, one or more depressive episode which
means at least a period of two weeks in depressed mood or lack of interest which is accompanied
by symptoms of depression such as fatigue, agitation and sleep disturbances while dysthymia
occurs when at least after a period of two years of depressed mood accompanied by depressive
symptoms that does not meet major depression from disorder.
Differentiate bipolar disorder from cyclothymic disorder
Bipolar disorder is a mental condition which causes extreme swings either high or low in a
person. When mood shift extremely high or mania a person feel full of energy and euphoric
while extreme low shift cause a depression where a person feel sad and hopeless or even loose
pleasure or interest in many activities. Bipolar takes a long time, but one can manage it by
medication or by psychological counceling. Cyclothymic disorder occurs when a person
experience emotional ups and downs and also moods shift from baseline to either up or down,

but the high and low emotions are not severe from those of bipolar. In cyclothymic disorder a
person functions in daily life though not well.

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