Discursive Essay on Biosafety and Bioethics Issues in Biotechnology

Discursive Essay on Biosafety and Bioethics Issues in Biotechnology



This essay will attempt to discuss in detail the definitions of biosafety and bioethics, the different aspects surrounding biosafety and bioethics, as well as prominent biosafety and bioethics issues with regard to biotechnology and how they can be solved. Furthermore, how risk assessment plays a role in biosafety will be discussed, as well as certain suggestions to increase the level of biosafety. Laboratory biosafety will also be discussed briefly. Ways in which ethical issues regarding biotechnology can be addressed will also be discussed, as well as the relationship between biosafety and bio risk. Lastly, future prospects of biotechnology in society will also be elaborated upon.

Biotechnology has the capacity to unravel up-and-coming issues of the world’s expanding population. Be that as it may, there is regular hesitance amongst the public to acknowledge and bolster biotechnological items in fields of medication, industry, or agribusiness. There are numerous safety and ethical issues raised for human cloning and genetically modified crops. Raising transgenic plants and animals has fuelled ethical concerns, and researchers have confronted a substantial amount of resistance where genetically modified crop plants or regenerative cloning investigations of humans are included. Hence, biosafety and bioethics are persistently being extended to combine the method of reasoning of ever-increasing scientific information in biotechnology that is regularly in strife with the long-standing social and ethical esteem framework of our society. There is a further decrease in public support, most likely due to media coverage and the obvious ongoing debates on genetically modified crops regarding fear of their long-term impacts and obscure dangers as well as environmental security issues. Discussions from nongovernment organizations, researchers, and media have resulted in a negative effect on genetically modified crops. For example, GM crop utilization has been questionable with concerns being communicated on Flavr Savr tomato and numerous other products. (Varsha Gupta, 2016)

Conceivable outcomes of genetic therapy for certain human illnesses, somatic and germ cells, achieving indistinguishable hereditary copies of the organism, and other related bearings showed up in recent years. These forms of genetic intercession within the nature of the organism now require the assessment and dialog of their political, socio-economic, legal, ethical, and moral results. This is because choices created amid dialogs influence the direction and pace of the research. As a result, there is a problem in coming to an arrangement of a satisfactory public response to the possibility and need for the utilization of this genetic intervention. It is apparent that biotechnologies have colossal potential and openings to impact individuals and society as a whole. However, these points of view are conflicting. Noticing their scientific and economic centrality, it is additionally essential to bear in mind their potential threat to mankind and humanity, specifically, the dangers that will emerge with the advancement of infiltration of the human intellect into the normal powers of nature. (Alyeksyenko Iryna, 2019)

Biosafety issues can be defined as such. It alludes to control standards, innovations, and practices that are executed to avoid inadvertent introduction to pathogens and poisons or their coincidental discharge into the environment. Biosafety is not an individual necessity but also a fundamental collective to guarantee biological safety for a clean and secure environment. In recent decades, biotechnology investigations have brought about the development and release of a few genetically modified organisms for commercial employment. Releasing these GMOs into the environment may have direct or indirect effects on the environment that are inclusive of gene flow as well as gene transfer to wild relatives, trait effects on non-target species, insect resistance, and other unintended effects. One of the foremost important natural benefits of genetically modified crops is the exceptional decrease in pesticide utilization in agribusiness. In spite of their potential, there is a large number of concerns around the effect of genetically modified crops on the environment. (Kumar, 2015)

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