Discursive Essay on the Possibility of Applying Violence in Video Games

Discursive Essay on the Possibility of Applying Violence in Video Games

The criminal justice system, which is made up of law enforcement, attorneys, judges, courts of law, and prisons, was created with the intention of protecting the public by prosecuting and jailing, while also providing justice to those accused through defending and sentencing. Unfortunately, the criminal justice system is unable to work properly if members within the society are not provided with accurate and trustworthy knowledge. That being said, video games take a massive toll on the criminal justice system due to the negative attention towards law enforcement and bad influences regarding criminal behaviour within the games. Modern-day media feeds off of true crime and horror related stories. Everyone wants to learn more about the disappearance of others and the function of a serial killer. Video games are a prime example of how the youth of today being introduced to violence at such a young age. Games like Fortnite and Grand Theft Auto provide the necessary tools for young children to being their distrust towards law enforcement as well as their fascination with criminal behaviour. Video games are designed with the intention of reaching out to impressionable individuals who will open up their wallets, or the wallets of their parents, and payback into the industry.

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