Discuss the controversy that can occur when considering a patient’s right to know whether a caregiver has AIDS and the caregiver’s right to privacy and confidentiality

Discuss the controversy that can occur when considering a patient’s right to know whether a caregiver has AIDS and the caregiver’s right to privacy and confidentiality


In the healthcare sector, it is customary for care providers to undertake cautionary measures against patients with different diseases (Pozgar, 2020). However, there are controversies over the need and right for patients to learn about the health status of a nurse with specificity on AIDS status. Since AIDS is easily transmitted from one person to the other, contention arises over the safety of the patient considering that the care providers use sharp objects that can infect the patients.

The main controversy is the conflict between sharing information with those that might directly be affected and the right to privacy and confidentiality (Pozgar, 2020). Sharing the information infringes on the right to privacy and at the same time improves the nature in which the patient safeguards their health.

Describe the distinctions among wrongful birth, wrongful life, and wrongful conception. Discuss the moral dilemmas of these concepts

Wrongful birth, wrongful life, and wrongful conception are legal terms that refer to lawsuits that may be brought by parents or children who claim that they have suffered harm as a result of medical negligence or other wrongdoing (Pozgar, 2020). Wrongful birth may be brought by parents who claim that they were not properly informed of potential risks or defects related to their child’s conception, pregnancy, or birth and that they would have chosen to terminate the pregnancy if they had been properly informed.

On the other hand, Wrongful life may be brought about by children who claim that they would not have been born if their parents had been properly informed of potential risks or defects and that they have suffered as a result of being born with disabilities (Pozgar, 2020). On the other hand, Wrongful conception may be brought by parents who claim that they were not properly informed of potential risks or defects related to their child’s conception and that they would not have chosen to conceive a child if they had been properly informed.

One moral dilemma is the issue of responsibility. In wrongful birth and wrongful conception, the question may arise as to whether the medical professionals or other parties involved are responsible for the birth of a child with disabilities, and whether they should be held liable for the additional costs and challenges associated with raising such a child (Pozgar, 2020).

Some may argue that the parents should bear the responsibility for their own decision to conceive a child, while others may argue that the medical professionals or other parties had a duty to provide accurate and complete information to the parents. Another moral dilemma is the issue of compensation. In wrongful birth and wrongful life lawsuits, the question may arise as to how much compensation is appropriate for the additional costs and challenges associated with raising a child with disabilities (Pozgar, 2020).

A third moral dilemma is the issue of autonomy. In wrongful birth and wrongful conception lawsuits, the question may arise as to whether the parents have the right to choose whether or not to bring a child with disabilities into the world.

Discuss the arguments for and against partial birth abortions

Partial birth abortion, also known as intact dilation and extraction (IDX), is a medical procedure in which a physician delivers most of a fetus through the cervix and then terminates the pregnancy by collapsing the skull and removing the brain (Rolfes-Haase & Swers, 2022). This procedure has been the subject of significant controversy and legal debate.

Arguments for partial birth abortion often focus on the rights of the woman seeking the procedure and the general principle of autonomy. Some proponents of partial-birth abortion argue that the procedure may be necessary in cases where the health or life of the woman is at risk, or where the fetus has severe abnormalities that would result in a poor quality of life if the pregnancy were to continue (Rolfes-Haase & Swers, 2022).

Arguments against partial-birth abortion often focus on the potential for the procedure to cause pain to the fetus (Rolfes-Haase & Swers, 2022). Similarly, there was an issue with the ethical and moral implications of intentionally terminating a pregnancy in this manner. The main concern is about the nature in which the procedure is unethical and inhumane, and that it violates the right to life of the unborn child.

Discuss why there is controversy over genetic markers and stem cell research

The main controversy involves the use of genetic markers to identify and classify individuals based on their genetic characteristics (Zhou et al., 2019). These classifications denote that the use of genetic markers can lead to discrimination and stigma, particularly when used in conjunction with other forms of personal information.

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