Discuss your clinical experience this term, as it relates to clinical practice, and some examples include situations, acquired knowledge, and experiences with your preceptor. Citation and reference required.

Discuss your clinical experience this term, as it relates to clinical practice, and some examples include situations, acquired knowledge, and experiences with your preceptor. Citation and reference required.

Clinical Experience-Situations Acquired Knowledge and Experiences with preceptor

My clinical experience this term has been exemplary. I learned a lot from my experience working with diverse clinical groups. I am now confident in most clinical areas I was initially troubled in. Specific clinical areas that I was able to build on include performing a pap smear and STI tests. This came against the backdrop of heightened efforts to enhance female reproductive health. As Jayapalan & Bindu (2020) reports, a pap smear remains a valuable nursing procedure targeted at diagnosing Human Papillomavirus and other sexually transmitted infections that are risk factors for cervical cancer. This informs my delight in being knowledgeable in these procedures. Get in touch with us at eminencepapers.com. We offer assignment help with high professionalism.

During my clinical rotations, I was able to assist my preceptor with intrauterine device removal and prostate examination. I noticed how uneasy some men are with prostate diagnostic processes, with some reporting being embarrassed with the process. This was an affirmation of Baratedi et al. (2019) reports that indicate that negative perceptions of the direct rectal examination used in the evaluation and diagnosis of prostate cancer are a perceived barrier to communities’ engagement in the process. Also significant in my learning process and clinical experience this term is how to read an x-ray. I was able to read an x-ray of a patient with a right ankle sprain.

Incision and drainage procedures are other crucial nursing roles vital in treating an abscess. In my clinical experience, I got to incise and drain an abscess. My experience with cardiac patients was also worthwhile. I learned how to read EKG readings. In one instance, I read an EKG of patients who presented with chest pain and had an ST elevation. In this instance, I referred the patient to cardiology immediately. This was per Reed & Cannon’s (2021) findings that ST elevated myocardial infarction is time sensitive and requires prompt interventions.


Baratedi, W. M., Tshiamo, W. B., Mogobe, K. D., & McFarland, D. M. (2019). Barriers to prostate cancer screening by men in subā€Saharan Africa: An integrated review. Journal of Nursing Scholarship52(1), 85–94. https://doi.org/10.1111/jnu.12529



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