Discussion Question(s): Considering your reading of the three autobiographical excerpts in Week 1’s “Required Resources” section, as well as your understanding of the features of nonfiction, introduce yourself to the class by revealing: Life is Like a Roller Coaster Life is Like a Roller Coaster What title would you give your autobiography? A significant moment in your personal history that has led you to a deeper understanding of who you are. https://abcnews.go.com/International/malala-young-readers-edition-book-excerpt/story?id=24999632 https://www.vogue.com/article/into-the-woods-cheryl-strayed https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2018/nov/13/michelle-obama-wanted-everything-read-exclusive-extract-memoir-becoming

Discussion Question(s): Considering your reading of the three autobiographical excerpts in Week 1’s “Required Resources” section, as well as your understanding of the features of nonfiction, introduce yourself to the class by revealing: Life is Like a Roller Coaster Life is Like a Roller Coaster What title would you give your autobiography? A significant moment in your personal history that has led you to a deeper understanding of who you are. https://abcnews.go.com/International/malala-young-readers-edition-book-excerpt/story?id=24999632 https://www.vogue.com/article/into-the-woods-cheryl-strayed https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2018/nov/13/michelle-obama-wanted-everything-read-exclusive-extract-memoir-becoming

Life is Like a Roller Coaster

The ups and downs of this world have made this life a roller-coaster, especially for me.  While it is our wish to be mindful of the choices we make, it is always necessary to keep track of the coasters and pain we cause in our lives. Therefore it is one’s choice to choose whether to scream or enjoy life’s ride. Finding oneself in life may take a lot because you could move forward, trying not to look back, then you find yourself trying to look back, and so on, and such is life (Wiesenburg, 18).

While at it, various questions ring in one’s mind the likes of who one is, what you want to do, or even what you like. These are some of the questions that one hears, but only a few people can answer them. It could take varied times to do this or even years trying to figure out what you are up to. Sometimes, we get what we want in life from unexpected places or people.

It has taken me several years to figure out what I wanted to do and find my path, but I never knew all my plans and thoughts could change within no time. Every class I attend brings me closer to my degree, but my classes change along the way. That is clear when it is said that people learn and evolve daily as one has a fear of the unknown. The fear that I can make mistakes in this life makes us stronger. You should not pass any chances following the fact that you begin living in the future as you will lose some precious times you should have enjoyed in life. Always have faith and take all the opportunities that come your way since tomorrow is never known.

Works Cited

Wiesenberg, Faye. “The roller coaster life of the online learner: How distance educators can help students cope.” Canadian Journal of University Continuing Education 27.2 (2001).

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