Do you believe that judicial decisions will be affected if the diversity of the judges serving in the federal judiciary match the diversity of the population? Explain why or why not. Do you believe that 9 Supreme Justices interpreting the law for 330 million Americans is Democracy? Why or why not?

Do you believe that judicial decisions will be affected if the diversity of the judges serving in the federal judiciary match the diversity of the population? Explain why or why not. Do you believe that 9 Supreme Justices interpreting the law for 330 million Americans is Democracy? Why or why not?

Legislative Branch and Other Puzzles

I liked the "Women's Health Protection Act" policy stance in the most recent Congress. The Women's Health Protection Act was designed to enshrine a legal right to unrestricted abortion services in the U.S. key to countering restrictive pro-life laws. With its ongoing debates, I liked the House capturing significant media coverage and of critically shaping critical policy domains in the wake of comprehensive reproductive health rights. Such a policy is relevant because it entailed controversial political issues, substantiating its critical incorporation into my list of notable contemporary U.S. Congress policies. Republicans led the last Congress, meaning they controlled it. Republicans are on a national electoral-winning spree due to aggressive policy messaging, savvy redistricting, and the narrow margins that enable the party to secure significant wins, especially in the House (Weisman, 2022). For example, Republicans sustained a successful strategy to resonate with middle-class issues leading to surprising wins in strategically significant Democratic voting districts.

One of the contentious issues in U.S. politics entails term limits for members of Congress. Proposed term limits for members of Congress are valid since the representatives and senators are estimated to serve longer than a decade currently. The proposal is based on the assumption that longer-tenured legislators are inclined to make legislative efforts tailored at prolonging their stay in office. However, this seems a dubious contention as election to Congress entails a sustained public image and influence. The argument for longer-serving members to be in the U.S. Congress is anchored on the fact that these lawmakers may be needed to scrutinize several issues, including complex trade treaties (Boccia, 2019). Additionally, the experience gained from serving sustained terms offers members greater insight into national political issues and hence their importance in advancing long-term national interests. Recent election cycles are congruent with the need for term limits, given that public discontent is increasingly leveraged to disparage incumbent lawmakers. For example, congressional approval ratings have increasingly flagged for over a decade (Nuckols, 2022). This trend underscores Americans' continued disatisfied with the decisions made by incumbent lawmakers, implying the need for them to be relieved of power. To challenge incumbents much more effectively, it has become increasingly paramount to establish new electoral divisions.

All Americans hope that the Supreme Court will decide cases fairly and that justices will rule impartially and measure up to cardinal of America's ideals. Most judges are typically reputed for considering the law first and politics second. Presidents and litigants typically make appointments based on the expectation that the appointed justices would establish polices and legal precedents. To protect against interests and collisions of the wider public, it can be stated that retaining justices politically independent from other government branches is beneficial, partially implying that the number of judges who equally have to Americans' diversity on the Federal Judiciary is inconsequential. Democracy entails people having the right to select their political leaders and hold the leaders accountable via free and fair elections (Fox & Geyh, 2021). Given that religions and races are the two largest sources of political identities, having a Supreme Court comprising justices from different faiths and races creates confidence that the body will undertake its servicer with toleration and impartiality.




Boccia, C. (2019). Enacting a Different Set of Term Limits for Congress - Competitive Enterprise Institute. Available at:

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