Effects and Causes of Juvenile Delinquency: Essay Conclusion

Effects and Causes of Juvenile Delinquency: Essay Conclusion

Effects and Causes of Juvenile Delinquency: Essay Conclusion

From the discussion above, it is clear that delinquency is an enormous societal problem. Juvenile delinquency is caused by several factors, including peer influence, influence by the juvenile’s family, race, and other related factors like low self-esteem and trauma.

The effects of delinquency are far-reaching, and they, therefore, affect the community, victims of the delinquent, society as a whole, and even the delinquents themselves. Therefore, it is vital to address this issue to reduce the rates of offense and re-offense.

Several interventions can be used to prevent and reduce delinquency and recidivism. These interventions can be implemented in the family, school, or even correctional facilities. School and family-level interventions are mainly aimed at preventing recidivism, while the interventions implemented at correctional facilities are aimed at reducing recidivism.

Thus, these interventions must be taken seriously to reduce the number of delinquents in society. This will, in turn, reduce the number of delinquency victims, the number of affected families, and the amount of resources that the government will spend on law enforcement and correctional services. Therefore, it will lead to a better society.

Works Cited

Barker, Leslie. “The Effects of Juvenile Delinquency”. Ehow.com. 2011.

Juvenile Justice. “Basic Statistics”. Pbs.org. 2011.

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