Enhancing Professional Presentation Skills- Leveraging Strengths and Addressing Weaknesses

Enhancing Professional Presentation Skills- Leveraging Strengths and Addressing Weaknesses


My main strength in professional presentations is making detailed and visually appealing PowerPoint presentations. I find it easier to express my ideas through visual diagrams and detailed speaker notes to ensure that my audience clearly understands the message I intend to convey. The method that can be used to improve this is trying out different PowerPoint designs based on various themes, such as business presentations, marketing presentations, and professional presentations. I also intend to learn how to customize my presentation using different PowerPoint tools and practice by creating various presentations and saving them for future reference.

My main personal weakness regarding professional presentations is stage fright. I always have a hard time addressing a large group of people, and in most cases, I either forget the most important things that need to be mentioned or deliberately leave out information to shorten the presentation. One method that can reduce stage fear is regularly speaking in front of a group of people (Studer et al., 2011). I intend to do this by speaking in family gatherings with a significantly large group of people from my extended family.

According to Champoux (2020), the modern-day work environment is transitioning due to the advancement of technology. Organizations are also focusing on promoting innovation among their workforce by assigning various projects to the employees. I may, therefore, be required to make a presentation before board members to inform them about the progress of my project. It is also important for me to work on stage fright because I intend to be a business person. Hence, I must present my business proposal before investors to get financial support. It is also important for me to work on my visual presentation skills because I intend to use PowerPoint presentations to explain my business idea to potential investors and convince them to assist me in raising the starting capital.


Champoux, J. E. (2020). The context of modern organizations (Diversity, quality, technology, international). Organizational Behavior, 27-50. https://doi.org/10.4324/9781003000587-3

Studer, R., Gomez, P., Hildebrandt, H., Arial, M., & Danuser, B. (2011). Stage fright: Its experience as a problem and coping with it. International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health84(7), 761-771. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00420-010-0608-1



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