Enhancing Quality and Safety – Medication Errors NURS FPX 4020 Assessment 1 Attempt 1 Enhancing Quality and Safety

Enhancing Quality and Safety – Medication Errors NURS FPX 4020 Assessment 1 Attempt 1 Enhancing Quality and Safety


Medication administration mishaps are a significant global health issue and the main contributor. It’s difficult to find a continuous source of mistakes, let alone propose a regular plausible solution that reduces the likelihood of a repeat occurrence of medication errors. Patient safety may be enhanced by noticing unfavorable occurrences, understanding the future, and acting to minimize them. Maintaining a mentality that focuses on recognizing safety issues and adopting viable alternatives rather than retaining a fault, humiliation, and retribution mindset is a component of the answer. Medical organizations must ensure a safe attitude that emphasizes modifications to the existing system and views clinical errors as obstacles to be conquered. All healthcare staff must contribute to making medical care better for providers of healthcare and patients (Helo et al., 2017).  

There are two categories of mistakes, according to Rodziewicz et al, (2018):

  • Omission errors arise when certain activities are not done. Not securing a person into a wheelchair or supporting a stretcher before the patient transfer. The conduct of errors occurs when an incorrect activity is performed.
  • Giving a drug to which, a patient is allergic or failing to mark a test item that is later assigned to the wrong patient.

Scenario Related to Medication Errors

Joana, a 26-year-old woman, was admitted to the labor room for the delivery of her child during the midnight shift. Due to extreme labor pains, the patient was prescribed for painkillers before her delivery. The nurse failed to perform a patch test for any allergic reaction as she neglected it on the basis that the patient had no prior history of an allergy to the medicine. However, the patient had developed an allergy to such medicine during her pregnancy and as a result the adverse effects of the medicine almost cost the patient her child. This medication error was due to multiple factors, including negligence to check the patient for an allergy, the incorrect medication, insufficient sleep of the staff, and not updating the patient’s medical chart to the current scenario.

Elements Of Quality Improvement Initiatives 

Improvements in quality do have a powerful effect on healthcare outcomes. Improvement in the quality will become more useful and accurate, and productivity will increase. The efficiency of a medical center that adopts traditional procedures and methods will not develop. Upgrades allow healthcare organizations to substitute unproductive procedures and concentrate on more essential issues. For example, shifting to electronic documents for patients’ medical analyses (Baumann et al., 2018). Medical practitioners may use the application to keep a record of stuff as well. For healthcare producers, there seem to be performance management software applications that allow companies to oversee performance and procedure quality and eliminate quality problems through standardization and good practices (Asensi et al., 2018). 

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Print has always been the most common means of recording details concerning activities in hospitals (Baumann et al., 2018). This raises the risk of forgetting duties, lost or misplaced paperwork, and attempting to arrange things during work transfer at the end of job sessions, which all put people’s lives at risk. If employees transitioned from print to a computerized system, they would have access to all crucial data, which would be maintained continuously and promptly. 

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The digitization of managing projects helps employees to recapture hours previously wasted answering the phone and bleeping coworkers for work and clinical records, hence enhancing patient safety. Professionals may successfully organize their load by keeping assignments and sensitive data on a user-friendly system using an electronic system within the organization. Multidisciplinary groups may cooperate and communicate more effectively throughout nursing units with the support of electronic task management, saving extra energy for care coordination (Marvanova et al., 2018). 

Digitalization of facilities, as per NHS’s Patient Safety Strategy, might lead to “momentous breakthroughs” in improving patient safety. Electronic task management systems give employees faster access to essential data alongside authentic changes, enabling them to make smarter choices about patients. Staff is already wasting reduced time

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