Essay on Compare Boys’ and Girls’ Attitudes to Future Careers

Essay on Compare Boys’ and Girls’ Attitudes to Future Careers




In modern society, gender significantly impacts numerous career-related behaviors, results, and attitudes. This consists of work attitudes, career choices, occupational health, career experiences, and other related perceptions. In order to understand people’s careers, it is imperative to take into consideration the gender aspect. Boys and girls differ broadly when it comes to choosing a career, and various factors influence these variations. For instance, socialization experiences, which entail lifetime social learning skills that individuals possess when interacting with other people, is vital. School guidance counselors, teachers, parents, peers, siblings influence how people perceive themselves with regard to their gender (Watts et al., 2015, pg.10-22). The career choice process takes place all through the life cycle as people make choices that have work-related consequences. This study will try to establish whether any of the genders have a different attitude towards career choice.


Presently, career choices have different to a significant extent, and both boys and girls strive for careers that mostly have been determined by society. Although each gender may choose careers pursued mainly by the other gender, the situation is not common. In most cases, boys will have a more serious attitude to future careers and aim for better-paying jobs as compared to girls.

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This study will focus on the different attitudes boys and girls have toward the career choice process. This topic is relevant as it attempts to explain how both genders choose their future careers, and what factors affect their choices. Career choice is a vital decision it youths’ lives as it involves deciding what they will do for a living. One aim in this research is to investigate the aspiration for future careers in both genders. Usually, girls aim to acquire jobs such as media relations, public relations, events planning, health care, and writing. Ultimately, boys desire for careers such as engineering, legal, marketing, financial services, teachers, and executive management. Most boys aspire to become part of the management team in their future workplaces, which is a huge step as it differentiates them from their peers. Thus, boys aim for more challenging future careers, which would enhance their income level.

The alternative aim in this research is the perception of future income. Various individuals are motivated by money in their jobs, and as one has more responsibilities, the better the pay. Boys mostly dream of advancing to consultants or starting their own companies to supplement their income. The goal is to put themselves at the top chain, provide their knowledge, and become their own bosses. When making career choices, this is a critical motivating aspect and an ultimate accomplishment to an individual’s career goals (Ardies, De Maeyer, & Gijbels, 2015, pg.366-386). The ultimate aim investigates the ambition for greater responsibility and more power in the boy’s careers. Boys dream of becoming big bosses in the future to have more powers and responsibilities. The reason being men like to control the other gender, so the motive of stepping on more prominent roles will challenge them in developing the right attitude towards their career choices.

Key Concepts

This comparative research evaluates the problem of gender and future career choices and explores the enduring factors influencing equality of opportunities in this area. Career patterns are ever-changing due to different attitudes of different genders towards career development. Gender discrimination remains a critical issue, regardless of female increased activity rates today. Women’s contribution has intensely increased in the labor market, but it has not enabled them to attain significant pay levels or greater responsibilities. In the future, boys and girls will be subjected to varied jobs with different payments. According to a research study, men and women in the European Union currently consist of equivalent numbers in numerous professions like medicine and law. In addition, they occupy managerial roles equally. However, most top positions are dominated by men (Van der Vleuten, Jaspers, Maas, & van der Lippe, 2016, pg.181-200). Eurostat survey indicates that 70% of managers are male while the rest are female. With such statistics, boys are motivated to make solid career choices, as their more room for their success compared to girls. Besides, they are confident that such top positions pay considerable amounts.

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