Essay on Ethical and Policy Factors in Care Coordination Care Coordination

Essay on Ethical and Policy Factors in Care Coordination Care Coordination


Various definitions of care coordination have been advertised under a wide range of headings. Care coordination can be regarded as the intentional synchronization of exercises and data to further develop wellbeing results by ensuring that the requirements and preferences of care beneficiaries and their families for medical care and local area administrations are met over in the long run (Bower, 2016). It is beneficial to patients to have viable consideration coordination because it assists them in achieving the best possible outcomes. The number of individuals with constant ailments and other medical care concerns is expanding as individuals carry on with longer lives, there is an expanded interest for proficient consideration coordination as they move between different medical services settings and specialists. Numerous ongoing illnesses and comorbidities are pervasive among the nursing home populace; subsequently, care coordination is basic for accomplishing the ideal outcomes in these settings.

Government Policies That Affect Care Coordination

Care coordination in nursing homes is impacted by various diverse government laws and guidelines. The Nursing Home Reform Act (NHRA), the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, the Affordable Care Act (ACA), and the Hospital Readmissions Reduction Program (HRRP) are instances of such laws. The Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare, transformed into a healthcare policy in 2010 when the former president, Barrack Obama, consented to it (Courtemanche, et al., 2018). After consent, many provisos included in this statute came into operation on different dates as the bill was being rolled out and implemented. With the goal to expand admittance to health care coverage, lower medical services costs, and advance preventive consideration and general prosperity through the Affordable Care Act, the arrangements of the law were carried out (Courtemanche, et al., 2018). The Hospital Readmissions Reduction Program (HRRP) was one of the arrangements of the Affordable Care Act (ACA).

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ACA incorporated an arrangement known as the Hospital Readmissions Reduction Program (HRRP) that permitted emergency clinics with an unreasonable number of readmissions to be punished. A few illnesses, including chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), pneumonia, elective essential arthroplasty, among others, were explicitly covered by the HRRP (Catalyst, 2018). To accomplish this, the goal was to associate instalment to the nature of treatment that one got and cultivate proficient correspondence and care coordination to incorporate the patient and their family, guardian, or nursing home to restrict the occurrence of readmissions Further, establishing adequate communication with the patient, their family, and the nursing home assists with decreasing missteps and holes in care along the continuum of care. For certain individuals, this adds to worked on generally speaking outcomes.

The Nursing Home Reform Act was sanctioned because a few states and governments concentrated on that uncovered the disregard, misuse, and disparity that nursing home patients were exposed to. To help shield nursing home patients from physical, mental, or social disregard or misuse, the NHRA was set up. This government guideline, known as the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), is intended to keep patient delicate wellbeing data from being delivered unprofessionally without obtaining patient assent (CDC, 2018). The expression “sensitive wellbeing data” alludes to data that is viewed as delicate by the public authority. These are patient health information that could be presented in various forms, such as diagnosis, treatment, and personal information. The establishment of HIPAA focused on privacy rules, which delivers a bunch of rules that oversee patient health information might be unveiled to people or associations that fall inside the privacy rule’s purview.

Patient health information has become more troublesome with the inescapable utilization of electronic clinical records (EMR) as these are technological devices that are prone to cyber attack, and unauthorized personnel can get access to these data with ease since they are contained in the software. To help secure patient health information, facilities set up an assortment of insurances. Offices have specific gadgets that are to be utilized to get to any PHI, and these gadgets are furnished with interesting programming to help protect them from programmers. In cases where professionals disregard following HIPAA rules implies that they are acting unprofessionally and may face the consequences with ranging severity depending on the level of patient healt

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