Essay on Safety Score Improvement Plan in Inpatient Rehabilitation Unit

Essay on Safety Score Improvement Plan in Inpatient Rehabilitation Unit




Patients who are in rehabilitation units stand the risk of falls and this event can increase the stay of patients in hospitals. Patients stand a high risk because some of them may have been admitted in the hospital with mobility difficulties, from cerebral vascular accidents. Studies of these accidents in hospitals attest that 1-5 of 10 patients in these units fall once during their hospitalization (Fuzhong, Harmer & Fitzgerald, 2016). In addition, a study shows that about 9%-33% of these patients reveal injuries related to the falls. It is imperative to note that injuries resulting to these fall have the ability of increasing morbidity and well as reducing the mobility of patients.

This may have an effect on the independences of patients as well as increasing patient’s anxiety or even depression. The Influence of falls not only affects the patient but also the cost of healthcare. Falls can have a high cost on the inpatient rehabilitation unit with unit not receiving reimbursements from centers of Medicare. Falls can be preventable in these hospital units through utilization of effective strategies (Guse et al., 2015). Utilization of evidence-based strategies can be of positive benefits. The nursing leadership should perform this activity through instilling a culture of safety within the organization.

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Study of Factors

In the United States of America, about 700000 to 1 million patients suffer from fall on an annual basis. This population represents a huge number of patients from the rehabilitation and the neurology units. Most of the hospitals in the country record the number of falls on a monthly basis. The method of reporting the falls utilizes Patient Safety Quality Improvement reports (Guse et al., 2015). Each organization should utilize this reporting tool in analyzing and identification and the reasons for error. The nursing leadership should be in the forefront in identifying the various problems that might affect the system. The problem in such organizational units may result in processes or weaknesses in the system that might cause people to make errors.

Data collection is also an important aspect while developing the reports. The other important information that might have an impact on the risk of falls includes the level of staffing, status of a patient and the environment. Nurses play an integral part in the implementation as well promotion of policies with regard to falls in rehabilitation units (Wilson et al., 2016). On the other hand, communication is an integral quality in ensuring dispensation of dependable and safe care.

Communication is essential is fostering relationship between patients and caregivers. Caregivers should relay important details to patients that might reduce the possibility of falls. Communication is also important between caregiver that fosters provision of care services. The current policies of Inpatient Rehabilitation Units require caregivers to concentrate more on older adults (Fuzhong et al., 2016). This is because the possibility of injury during fall is higher with an increase in age. The aspects related to falls come under the criteria of individual factors or environmentally related.

Individual aspects to the risk of falls include aspects related to the age of a patient, chronic conditions or Cognitive deficits. The other aspect relating to the environment includes medications, footwear of patients, and support from caregivers or the various features of a place. If patients undergo a fall from multiple risk factors, the potential for injury may be higher (Wilson et al., 2016). The perception of many people is that falls are inevitable in older people.

This however not the absolute truth if such individuals understand that some of the factors to falls are intrinsic. Some of the prevention strategies may include caregivers providing balance exercises to patients. Patients may also be talked into accepting to be careful. Being careful as a precaution may be enough in preventing future falls (Wilson et al., 2016). It is therefore important for caregivers to employ effective evidence-based strategies to preventing falls in rehabilitation units. On the other hand, these safety procedures should be introduced to all members of staff in the unit. Constant reviews on the policies should also take place in organization in order to correct certain mistakes that might arise during implementation.


A fall risk assessment, management and screening are required as a plan to improve the impact of falls in a clinical environment. The Clinical Practice guideline is instrumental at providing s

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