Evaluate and discuss clinical and business solutions for hospital improvement. Include in your discussion improvement of outcomes, reduction in costs, optimization of payment, and improvement in the overall patient experience. U.S. healthcare health systems today need to measure and report on the care they deliver. They must as well be aware of the financial ramifications of individual care decisions.

Evaluate and discuss clinical and business solutions for hospital improvement. Include in your discussion improvement of outcomes, reduction in costs, optimization of payment, and improvement in the overall patient experience. U.S. healthcare health systems today need to measure and report on the care they deliver. They must as well be aware of the financial ramifications of individual care decisions.

This approach is quite a change in the traditional fee-for-service business model. Clinical analytics today is in place as a result of the Centers for Medicare and Medicare (CMS) EHR Incentive Program. As a result of this program, qualified providers now have a rich source of data they have captured in their mandatory electronic health records (EHRs). By using clinical analytics, both providers and payers stand the greatest chance to not just survive healthcare reform, but to also thrive (Burton, 2018). Patient safety is a top concern for healthcare organizations. Every provider and nurse handoff creates the potential for miscommunication and errors. Consequently, improving patient safety and quality through culture, clinical analysis, evidence-based practices, and adoption is vital to improve patient safety and quality, reduction in costs, as well as improvements in the overall patient outcome and experience (Burton, 2018). Clinical analytics plays an important role in scalable, sustainable quality improvement. There is much talk about the growing regulatory and performance requirements, the delay in getting reports from IT, and the need to integrate data sources financial, patient satisfaction, operational among others. Data is a vital component of patient safety and quality. But data without the aforementioned supportive culture is not effective enough (Doody, Noonan, 2016). The adoption of Evidence-Based Practices also plays an important role in promoting patient safety practices and quality improvement as well as reducing cost. Traditionally, patient safety research has focused on data analyses to identify patient safety issues and to demonstrate that a new practice This study source was downloaded by 100000886289430 from CourseHero.com on 06-03-2024 13:45:16 GMT -05:00 https://www.coursehero.com/file/78191118/Evaluate-and-discuss-clinical-and-business-solutions-for-hospital-improvementdocx/ will lead to improved quality and patient safety. Established and approved evidence-based practices are only effective if they are adopted. Adoption includes educating and training frontline clinicians and healthcare workers, engaging patients, and collaborating with clinician leadership to drive best practices adoption. The above mention explanation emphasizes the fact that a culture of patient safety and quality, in conjunction with clinical analytics, evidence-based practices, and adoption of these practices are indispensable to achieving healthcare transformation and improvement. References Burton, D. (2018). How Clinical Analytics Will Improve the Cost and Quality of Healthcare Delivery. https://www.healthcatalyst.com/clinical-analytics-improve-cost-quality-healthcare Doody O, Noonan M (2016) Nursing research ethics, guidance and application in practice. Br J Nurs 25 (14): 803-7. British Journal of Nursing, 26(1), 62. This study source was downloaded by 100000886289430 from CourseHero.com on 06-03-2024 13:45:16 GMT -05:00 https://www.coursehero.com/file/78191118/Evaluate-and-discuss-clinical-and-business-solutions-for-hospital-improvementdocx/ Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)

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