Evaluation of The Effectiveness of Project Implementation Tool Michele MacKenzie, CRNA

Evaluation of The Effectiveness of Project Implementation Tool Michele MacKenzie, CRNA


Gannon University

The Iowa Model for Evidence-Based Practice was utilized to guide the implementation of the capstone project and formation of the evaluation tool used to evaluate the effectiveness of the implementation of an SMS text message reminder service to reduce day of surgery (DOS) cancellations due to patient “no show.” Specific steps were followed when measuring the effectiveness of the implementation of this capstone project and patients were to determine whether they showed up for their scheduled procedure. During project implementation, challenges were discovered regarding patient mobile number availability, cancellations and rescheduled procedures, and procedures scheduled after the assigned deadline for SMS text message delivery.  Despite challenges, the project was successfully implemented.

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The purpose of the evaluation was to assess the implementation of an SMS text message reminder service to reduce day of surgery (DOS) cancellations due to patient “no show.” The Iowa Model for Evidence-Based Practice was utilized to guide the implementation of the project and formation of the evaluation tool. The seven steps of the Iowa Model (Doody & Doody, 2011):

  1. Selection of a topic
  2. Forming a team
  3. Evidence retrieval
  4. Grading the evidence
  5. Developing an evidence-based practice standard
  6. Implementing evidence-based practice
  7. Evaluation

As previously noted, the topic was chosen due to a high percentage of DOS cancellations due to patient “no shows” at a small community hospital in northwest Pennsylvania. Once the literature review was completed (steps 3 and 4), the evidence-based practice change was determined: sending SMS text message reminders to reduce DOS cancellations due to patient “no show.” The primary stakeholder was approached regarding the proposed project. It was emphasized that all stages of project implementation would be financed and performed by the project author, requiring no additional staff and no additional cost to the facility. Project approval was granted and the project was implemented for surgical and endoscopic procedures scheduled July 1, 2018 through July 31, 2018. 

A data collection form was utilized to collect scheduled surgery information, whether patients’ mobile telephone numbers were available, to verify an SMS text message reminder was sent, and if patients showed up for surgery. An example of evaluation form:

Date of Scheduled Surgery

Patient Initials


Mobile Number Available

SMS Text Message Sent? (Y/N)

Did Patient Show for Surgery?




Surgeries scheduled by 2:00 pm two business days before their procedure date were included in the project. This project’s success relied on the accuracy of mobile phone numbers on the procedure reservation forms. Potential barriers included inaccurate transcription of patients’ mobile numbers, as well as patient mobile numbers that were unavailable. When collecting procedure information forms, the project author searched patients’ demographic data, including possible mobile phone numbers in the facility computer system-based Electronic Medical Record (EMR). During the project implementation phase, it was discovered that the ReminderCall.com SMS text message reminder service used also included a report of successful message delivery. During the data evaluation stage of this project, a report will be printed to determine which SMS text messages were successfully delivered. A new column will be added to the evaluation form to detail which SMS text reminders were successfully delivered. This information will serve to further define the effectiveness

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