Evidence-Based Gerontological Nursing Concepts

Evidence-Based Gerontological Nursing Concepts


There are several nursing practices that can be applied to senior care based on the overall objective and goal. First, it is essential to highlight family-centered care as one of the strategies. Researchers define this notion as the aim to create centered attention towards the importance of caring for the older adult for family members (Harvath et al., 2020). Based on this concept, the nurse is focused on including family members into the process as much as possible. Thus, the close members that receive information and help in regards to the process of providing help to seniors are the key individuals within this theory.

On the other hand, patient-centered care is based on the individual in question. According to researchers, this method acknowledges the patient as the central figure whose preferences, ideas, and opinions are always crucial (Jayadevappa, 2017). Moreover, the authors of the research mention that if the senior individual has all the necessary medical information about their diagnosis or conditions, they are often capable of making adequate and efficient decisions. Thus, between the two concepts, the one that respects the patient’s complete integrity (patient-centered) proves to be productive.

Meeting the objective of learning about different evidence-based gerontological nursing concepts has helped me understand how to approach a patient in the future. I realized that both family-centered and patient-centered care is essential. By focusing on family members, I can ensure that the senior will receive good quality care outside hospitals and nursing homes. Moreover, I came to the conclusion that considering the individual’s preferences as a priority is essential

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