Evidence based Proposal and Annotated Bibliography on Technology in Nursing NURS FPX 4040 Assessment 3 Attempt 1 Annotated Bibliography on Technology in Nursing

Evidence based Proposal and Annotated Bibliography on Technology in Nursing NURS FPX 4040 Assessment 3 Attempt 1 Annotated Bibliography on Technology in Nursing


Telehealth is a significant and modern tool of healthcare. Use of video applications can help Patients to describe their symptoms to a doctor or nurse or show things like rashes or bumps in hospitals and clinics. This allows people to get a rapid diagnostic without having to leave their home. They can find out if they need additional testing or diagnosis, obtain a prescription for medication, or seek medical advice (Groom et al., 2021).

Telehealth saves money and time for both patients and doctors. It also stops sick people from going out in public and exposing other people. Clinics and patient care are both altering as a result of this technology. Medical applications and goods, assist patients and clinicians in improving their health (Jacobs et al., 2020). This annotated bibliography provides insight into how telehealth is used and their limitations and accuracy, and patient outcomes.

Jacobs, J. C., Hu, J., Slightam, C., Gregory, A., & Zulman, D. M. (2020). Virtual savings: Patient-reported time and money savings from a VA national telehealth tablet initiative. Telemedicine and e-Health26(9), 1178-1183.

NURS FPX 4040 Assessment 3 Attempt 1 Annotated Bibliography on Technology in Nursing

This article discusses the benefits of telehealth in patient care. Virtual care or telehealth has the potential to provide services to Veterans Affairs (VA) patients who are unable to receive traditional care. Veterans experiencing geographic, clinical, and/or social challenges to in-person care began receiving video-enabled tablets in 2016. We wanted to know if the VA-issued tablets saved patients money and/or time in addition to a nationwide study of system-level adoption and effectiveness of these tablets. We issued a survey to 2,120 Veterans who got pills and followed up 3–6 months later with a follow-up survey. In the end, 594 and 399 patients responded to questions on saving money and saving time, respectively. To address potential selection and nonresponse bias, we used poststratification survey weighting procedures.  Patient characteristics using multinomial logistic regressions and logistic regressions were evaluated.

If respondents resided further away from the VA, faced travel challenges, and did not have a mental health issue, they were more likely to report monetary savings. If respondents were 45 or 65 years old, employed, and had greater total technological expertise, they were more likely to claim time savings. As the VA looks to increase its use of video telehealth technology, the findings could help drive policy decisions about patient targeting and training.

Telehealth’s effectiveness in improving patient access to care is gaining traction. However, the evidence on cost savings is varied, and it depends a lot on whether the studies are done from the payer’s perspective or from the societal perspective, which includes the patient’s perspective. 4 Many of the advantages attributed to telehealth therapies are related to improving patient access and lowering expenses. Overall, 92 percent (566/617) of respondents said the tablets saved them money or time; 89 percent (527/594) said they saved money, and 71 percent (284/399) said they saved time. 41% of respondents who said they saved money per appointment said they saved $25–50, and 31% said they saved more than $50. 45 percent of the 160 employed respondents who claimed time savings said they saved paid time (Jacob et al., 2020).

Kaminski, J. (2021). The Rise of Telehealth: COVID-19 and beyond. Editorial. Canadian Journal of Nursing Informatics16(1).

This explains that the telehealth is rapidly expanding to fulfil the demands of clients and providers alike. The COVID-19 epidemic in 2020 and 2021 accelerated its growth, prompting federal and state governments to provide financial incentives and other resources to help support it. “Hospitals and health systems that strive now to improve the maturity of their telehealth capabilities will be well-positioned to fulfil patient demand for digital tools that allow them to participate in care more conveniently.” New market entrants and other disruptors that want to attract new health care consumers and infringe on current patient-provider relationships will increasingly challenge hospitals that do not satisfy these demands” (American Hospital Association, 2019). These patterns are becoming more obvious with each passing year. 

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In nursing facilities, telemedicine and telehealth are becoming more common (NHs). The COVID-19 epidemic has expedited their use, although its influence on patients and outcomes has not been properly researc

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