Evidence-Based Strategies to Create High-Performance Interprofessional Teams Strategies to Address any Shortcomings

Evidence-Based Strategies to Create High-Performance Interprofessional Teams Strategies to Address any Shortcomings


One of the strategies presented by Clark (2015) is by employing the DESC model of dealing with incivility within the workplace. The DESC model has four steps that are applied when dealing with incivility, for example, incivility to deal with communication as described in my workplace. The four steps include describing the behavior that is deemed to be uncivil, expressing oneself concerning that behavior, specifying the needed change, and finally, outlining the consequences of implementing the change, and if need be, also the consequences of not implementing the change. This strategy is effective in implementing a system of continuous improvement, specifically targeted toward dealing with workplace incivility.

Another strategy that can be used as outlined by Clark, is by having a critical conversation with the uncivil employee. One of the ways to encourage incivility is to keep quiet and entertain it when it occurs (Clark et al., 2011). It is important to point out incivility when they occur to dissuade the behavior from being made part of the organizational culture. While critical conversations may be hard to conduct, they are important if fostering a civil workplace. One of the strategies that can be employed when having a critical conversation is to prepare in advance to deal with it (Clark, 2015).

Strategies to Bolster Successful Practices

Two of the successful practices that emerged during the Workplace Environment Assessment were, embrace for organizational diversity and fair distribution of workload and recognition. These are two aspects that have great implications on the satisfaction levels of employees working within the organization. Starting with diversity, more so, embracing diverse opinions; this is one of the ways of dealing with workplace incivility.

Therefore, to further bolster this practice, it is important to make it part of the organizational culture. One of the ways of doing so is by ensuring that organizational processes like team formation are done by taking cognizance of diversity within the organization (Gomez & Bernet, 2019). Allowing the staff to be placed in an environment where they can interact with diverse views can greatly improve their perception and acceptance of diverse opinions other than their own.

When dealing with the fair distribution of workload and recognition of efforts, it is important to realize the implications on staff motivation. One of the simplest ways of ensuring that the staff is motivated is by creating a system of equality within the workplace, where all employees are equally recognized for their efforts without any prejudice or bias (Ageiz et al., 2021).

Recognizing the efforts of the nursing staff and even an individual who shows commitment to their work and performance can not only inspire them to do more, but also motivate others to do the same. This is one of the practices of transformational leadership (Boamah et al., 2018). To bolster this practice, leaders have to lead by example and make the practice part of the organizational culture.

However, to do so, the leaders have to first identify the skills, strengths, and weaknesses of each staff member and focus on those aspects to help create a system of equity and fairness within the organization. Using the two strategies, then it is expected that the level of civility and performance within the organization will be heightened.


Workplace incivility is a vice that has severe ramifications on the wellbeing of the organization. Nurses need to be civil in their conduct not only for the sake of other colleagues but also for the sake of the patients they serve. This paper has provided a description of the kind of workplace environment I work in based on the Workplace Environment Assessment tool. The paper has also provided a theoretical model and strategies that can be used to improve civility within the workplace. Implementing these approaches is expected to have a positive impact on nurse satisfaction, quality of care, and ultimately, organizational performance.


Ageiz, M. H., Ebrahem, S. M., & Abo-shereda, H. M. (2021). Nurse Manager’s Meaningful Recognition Program: Its Relation to Staff Nurses’ Sense of Coherence and Self-Efficacy during COVID-19 Pandemic. Systematic Reviews in Pharmacy12(1), 1219-1229. http://dx.doi.org/10.31838/srp.2021.1.170

Boamah, S. A., Laschinger, H. K. S., Wong, C., & Clarke, S. (2018). Effect of transformational leadership on job satisfaction and patient safety outcomes. Nursing Outlook66(2), 180-189. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.outlook.2017.10.004

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