Examine how awareness of learning styles has influenced your perceptions of teaching and learning. In a paper (750-1,000 words), summarize your analysis of this exercise and discuss the overall value of learning styles. Include the following: Provide a summary of your learning style according the VARK questionnaire.

Examine how awareness of learning styles has influenced your perceptions of teaching and learning. In a paper (750-1,000 words), summarize your analysis of this exercise and discuss the overall value of learning styles. Include the following: Provide a summary of your learning style according the VARK questionnaire.

VARK Analysis Paper

Individual variation exists in preferences of learning styles. The VARK analysis helps learners by suggesting to them the learning styles they should use. The VARK model of learning posits that there are four categories of learners, namely reading or writing, auditory, visual, and kinesthetic. The VARK questionnaire utilizes a list of questions to interrogate individuals’ strengths and preferences for learning. This paper reports on the findings of a VARK questionnaire.

Summary of My Learning Style According to the VARK Questionnaire

My learning style, as per the VARK questionnaire, is mild kinesthetic. People with kinesthetic learning styles often tend to have a preference for practical exercises rather than theory. They also like real-life experiences with the concepts they learned and use case studies, trial and error, and demonstration approaches during learning processes. These individuals will prefer watching videos over listening to class lectures, carrying out physical activities related to the concept, and will be proactive in practical learning sessions. The questionnaire findings revealed that I am a kinesthetic learner, as my preferences were on learning processes that adopted practical and physical activities, videos, and visuals. Get in touch with us at eminencepapers.com. We offer assignment help with high professionalism.

Preferred Learning Strategies

Kinesthetic learning strategies are multiple and tend towards practicality rather than theory. My preferred learning strategies are using autobiographies and documentaries to learn new concepts, using applications and demonstrations before theories, and using all my senses to take in information. I am also a team player and prefer doing things in groups, having my own learning experience, being able to apply my ideas, and finishing tasks.

All the learning strategies I have listed above are in concert with the kinesthetic learning strategies identified and listed in the VARK questionnaire analysis. The kinesthetic strategies described in the text emphasize the use of senses, practical exercises, trial and error, real-life experiences, examples, and case studies for taking in new information, presenting information to others, for educational purposes, and for workplace interactions. Kinesthetic learning strategies tend towards practicality rather than theory (Hernandez et al., 2020). This style relies heavily on physical activities, visual representations of concepts, and real-life demonstrations for learning and presenting the information.

Importance of Learning Styles for Learners

Visual, auditory, reading/writing, and kinesthetic learning styles have been elucidated as learning styles that enable understanding educational activities. The kinesthetic learning style employs hands-on activities and a physical approach to learning. Kinesthetic learners obtain information by discovering and exploring. This style is effective in more practical activities (Pratama & Pinayani, 2019). Kinesthetic learners struggle to learn through sedentary conventional learning modalities such as lectures. Visual learners learn best through visual aids. Visual learning enables individuals to learn and think through images. In this regard, visual learners can express information through graphs and charts. They also have spatial skills in mapping concepts and mapping directions. This style is not favorable where visual aids are limited. Auditory learners learn by hearing auditory representations of information such as speeches, recordings, and lectures. Auditory learners can code information without having to see its picture and text representations. These learners prefer listening to discussions, reading texts, and playing recordings conveying information. Reading and writing styles highlight conventional learning styles in lecture halls and classrooms. These learners learn by reading texts and writing down notes. This learning style makes learners more independent as they can retain information on their own by mere note-taking and reading from texts.

The Importance of Educators Identifying Individual Learning Styles and Preferences

Understanding learning styles can help educators create, develop, or modify a learning curriculum or program for their learners. Developing or modifying a curriculum to meet the learner’s learning styles can enhance their efficiency in understanding and retaining most concepts learned in class. It can also encourage the learners to participate more in these programs and thereby gain professional knowledge per the curriculum. Tailoring educational programs toward the learners’ learning styles has been implicated in higher academic performan

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