Examine the potential impact of the client’s behavior on the client-provider relationship.

Examine the potential impact of the client’s behavior on the client-provider relationship.

Examine the potential impact of the client’s behavior on the client-provider relationship.

Strain on the NP: The NP may experience a stressful and hostile work environment because of D.W.’s belligerent behavior. As a result of this experience, the NP can feel burnout, a decline in job satisfaction, and a loss of empathy and compassion for patients.
Reduced quality of care: D.W. may receive less effective care as a result of his disagreeable temperament and refusal to explore other options. In turn, he would be receiving suboptimal treatment outcomes and an extended period of discomfort due to unmet goals and interventions.
Trust issues: The NP may find it challenging to build trust with D.W. because of his demanding, combative, and disgruntled conduct. Consequently, the client might not be as forthright or responsive to therapy suggestions going forward.
Relationship damage between client and provider: D.W. and the NP’s relationship can suffer long-term consequences because of this encounter. This may hinder the NP’s ability to deliver quality care in the future and result in a vicious circle of problematic behaviors and strained relationships with medical professionals as well.
d.) Analyze techniques to enhance communication with the client and address the client’s behavior.

Certain patients experience extreme disruption, aggression, or uncontrollable outbursts of anger. As professionals, our duties include making sure the area is safe, and one method of doing so is to notify the security personnel prior to approaching patients who are engaging in violence or in an unruly manner. Remain composed or calm and refrain from becoming combative or defensive as a reaction to their demeanor (Bickley et al., 2021). Furthermore, enhance communication with the client by trying to understand/actively listen to where their frustration lies, establish rapport, validate the client’s feelings, and gently suggest alternative interventions that would better suit their situation.


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