Executive Summary The Aim Of Current Study Has Focused On Exploring The Online Sales Promotion That Might Influence Consumers’ Online Decision Making In China Combine With The Case Study Of Taobao. The Research Has Focused On Fulfilment Of Three Key

Executive Summary The Aim Of Current Study Has Focused On Exploring The Online Sales Promotion That Might Influence Consumers’ Online Decision Making In China Combine With The Case Study Of Taobao. The Research Has Focused On Fulfilment Of Three Key



The following study gives an insight in to the sports industry of china and their health and safety issues. China is a booming economy where many companies are shifting their operation because of larger and cheaper workforce. However, with this increase in businesses certain associated problems related to the health and safety concerns of employees have also been observed. In this study Yue Yuen Company has been taken for analysis which is considered as one of the largest manufacturers of the sports goods in the country. However, the increasing deteriorating conditions of the work force in the factory have been observed and found no health and safety precautions according to the international labour organizations has been practiced.

Interviews are conducted amongst the workers and found that the factory workers have much miserable condition while working. Problems such as long working hours, no precautionary measures for safety while working, no overtime payments, congested and dirty workplace and no medical facilities has given to the company workers. The workforce working conditions are not compliance with the international and national laws. Our analysis revealed that the factory workers are also unaware from their due rights therefore, they has never resisted for themselves. In such instance it is necessary that all the legitimate agencies should take different measures in order to protect the workers from such unhealthy working conditions and work for their betterment. Constructive steps needs to be taken otherwise the situation will be more deteriorating.

Chapter One: Introduction


China is one of the booming economies of the world; therefore the living standard has increased many folds from last 25 years. On one hand there is a tremendous increase living standard of specific society group while on the other hand health and safety concerns of the employees are considered a threat to the budding image of the country’s economy. The citizens of China are showing their great concern over one of this major issue in the country. However, the government of the country has appointed State Administration Work Safety of China to manage related concerns of health and safety of the employees. Similarly the occupational health and safety (OHS) are also operating in the country provide facilitation to occupational health issues, its effective management system is created for the provision of safe working environment to the workforce and also to ascertain that they get all their due rights and share while operating (Wei, et al., 2008). Besides these precautionary measures by the Chinese government, serious accidents are still taking place that has strenuous effect on one hand to the society and lives of its people, on the other hand it is also damages the economy and reputation of the country worldwide.

Numerous studies have been conducted to highlight the health and safety concerns of the workers such as the construction industry, oil and gas industry and catering industry (Zeng et al., 2008; Mearns & Yule, 2009; Qiang & Chow, 2007). However, limited research has been conducted on one of the major industry in Chinese economy the sports sector.  According to the Chinese sports industry statistics the country has generated total revenue of 3439 million US dollars in 2015.This high revenue generating industry faces a great challenge with respect to employee’s health and safety concerns. The unawareness of the labor force is also one of the major problems as they are completely unaware of the hazardous nature of chemicals that are used while producing sports goods. The management also does not inform them about these chemicals and what effects will they have on their health. According to the Wenting, (2011) study the tests reveal that numerous toxic chemicals usage in the manufacturing of sportswear by prominent companies of the world. Similarly, Westervelt, (2015) argues that the effect of these chemicals can increase the rate of serious health concerns such as developemnt dissabilities and cancer.

However, the major setback of this concern was highlighted in world Football tournment, where it was revealed thatt many prominent sports manufacturer around the globe including China uses toxic chemicals in their manufacturing process (Greenpace, 2014). After this revelation Government has initiated its program for the health and safety concern of the work force, whereas the government focused much on the technical aspect where it minimize the health implication rather than minimizing the usage of the toxic chemicals. However government has avoided concerns that arouse due to hazardous chemical exposures. The rules and regulations were intended at the operational measures for protection of the employees that describes that the control system would be the responsibility of the industr

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