Five Urgent Public Health Policies to Combat the Mental Health Effects of COVID-19 Summary of Findings

Five Urgent Public Health Policies to Combat the Mental Health Effects of COVID-19 Summary of Findings


Covid 19 pandemic was an inevitable crisis that threatened the US and the world. There was a great shock not only to individuals but also to different organizations. The health sector was on t great end with so many frontline health workers and patients getting infected (Veldhuis, Stuart & Fallin, 2021. The people worldwide had no option but to retreat to safety to avoid falling victim. World Health Organization (WHO) had issued a severe concern about how dangerous the virus was to physical and mental health. Therefore, this paper has presented a summary of findings based on the article about policies combating the mental effects of Covid19. Mental health issues are common in Covid 19 patients, and the United States government should focus on addressing this issue conclusively.

Based on the article, scientists and medical experts have made a big step up in providing vaccines for covid19. This effort must be appreciated by encouraging more discoveries of drugs to aid in curing this pandemic (Veldhuis, Stuart & Fallin, 2021). However, the availability of vaccines is still an incomplete solution to curing mental challenges facing more people, especially in America. Despite the presence of different doses to cure people still, families or relatives are facing mental challenges. The challenges include overthinking about the lost family members and friends.

There is much stress among people across the world. Different people are memorizing about the lost loved ones, for instance, parents thinking about the lost energetic sons and daughters who took care of them before the emergence of covid 19. Children are also thinking deeply about the best guardians lost during covid19 period. This abnormal thinking of loved ones has contributed to increased stress, especially in the US. Persistence in stress has directly resulted in mental challenges and overindulgence in substance abuse, and, in every 10 Americans, 4 suffer mental health issues (Veldhuis, Stuart & Fallin, 2021). Therefore mental or psychological difficulties are current serious challenges in America.

Marginalized people have been affected more by mental challenges. Typically marginalized people already undergo difficulties, especially with financial muscles. These people immediately covid 19 a worldwide disaster, and the level of stress increased, causing a lot of psychological disturbances leading to many mental problems. Persistences mental problems are predicted to result in severe mental health problems.

The Review

Various research has been conducted to establish that covid 19 has both short and long effects. So many health practitioners, government and other stakeholders have confronted this pandemic based only on short-term effects. Most people have been given vaccines, such as Johnson and Johnson getting minor effects. The short-term effects include difficulties in breathing, coughing, dizziness and general loss of body energy.

Most importantly, the government and health practitioners have forgotten other long-term effects, such as mental health-related challenges. This issue is severe and must be treated with the most urgent need. People in the US struggle to get back to everyday life, but mental health is an emerging issue. Many individuals, even groups, are suffering from mental sickness due to the covid19 pandemic.

Mental distress among most people results from deep thoughts and stress encountered daily. The source of this stress is that the covid 19 found many people unaware. There were no severe life plans and most lost jobs. Loved ones became victims; life became more expensive as most products were not transported worldwide. Medical bills were too expensive for ordinary families rendering most of these families helpless and hopeless. This trend has accelerated the rate at which people in the USA are mentally challenged.

Under President Biden’s leadership, the US government must now balance the war on covid 19. There is sufficient evidence that there is much investment in providing vaccines without focusing on mental challenges. The government must take serious consideration in fighting all effects of this pandemic. Both long-term and short-term effects must be considered. There should be certain efforts to address physical effects without forgetting mental effects.

Efforts for fighting mental challenges must be addressed collectively. Initial efforts have been on one side that is leaving for individuals to deal with these challenges long. The public must be sensitized to take unified actions to eliminate mental challenges. The government has been doing little in coordinating cooperation toward winning and eradicating these mental challenges.

Effectively, the Government under President Joe Biden must take six critical steps in getting solutions to mental disparities. The first step is pri

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