How did the different beliefs, values and attitudes of the cultures add to the oppression?

How did the different beliefs, values and attitudes of the cultures add to the oppression?



Christians believe that it was the Jews who were responsible for Jesus being crucified. They hold this against them. Because Jews were financially successful though, some came to believe that it was their fault that some Christians were not financially successful.


How did the outcome of the conflict influence modern American ideas, beliefs and values?


Some anti-Semitism is present in American culture. Neo-Nazis and other white supremacist hate groups exist but they are not the majority. Some American like to believe that the United States is a Christian nation; however, Christianity is derived from Judaism. Some Christians do not like that this is so and this may add to anti-Semitism.


Opinion – why do you think religion played such a major role in these conflicts?


Christianity was a sect of Judaism when it began. It rose to become a major world religion with many of its members believing that Jews were responsible for the death of Jesus. Through persecution against the Jews for these beliefs throughout history, the number of Jews in the world has been diminished. This makes Christianity a more dominant religion. That is why Christians feel as if it is acceptable to persecute Jews. I do not think the Jews have instigated attacks on Christians unless it was in defense of their lives or their property.

Work Cited

History Extra. "The Jews of medieval England." 2019. History Extra. Web. 19 September 2019.

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