How Does Video Games Affect The Children In Our Generation?

How Does Video Games Affect The Children In Our Generation?




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How does video games affect the children in our generation? Video games affect children in our generation in multiple ways. In this research you will find that video games affects children in our generation because it causes lack of being social , lack of sleep/rest, and causes bad habits/bad influences .Therefore , it distracts them from everything and that is the only thing they are focused on instead of their schoolwork, their family,or anything that actually matters. Can video games affect children in the future ? Yes, It also could affect the children in the future in the 3 main points included , and they will be explained. “Im hearing more and more people seeing the level of violence in video games is really shaping young young people thoughts “. Which is true because video games could affect children and cause them to become murderers , robbers , and thieves in the future of their life .

Main Point A is “Social skills”

According to research ( the data was collected through questionnaires filled out by parents and teachers, and the children responded to the questions through an interactive tool. Also, from my own experience , it caused me to stop going out of the house, calling/communicating with my family, and responding to messages. According to ( “ This lack of social interaction that results from obsessive gaming can have long-term social consequences . An addicted teenager would not develop effective social skills, which will hinder his ability to develop and maintain healthy relationship in college and beyond. Suddenly, he is 21 but has the social skills of a 15 year old. He does not know how to make friends, talk to girls or just ‘‘hang out’’ and enjoy people’s company . The social weirdness created by the isolationism of gaming addiction unfortunately, feeds the addiction . Video games makes you become very antisocial, like not calling your family , getting out the house, being really “weird” as people say, and losing your friends . According to ( “They fear that the number of hours their children spend gaming is directly related to the decline in the number of hours they spend playing or communicating with real people. The average amount of time spent by a person playing video games has been recorded at 18 hours a week. With the numbers seeing a steady rise over the last few years, BT finds out if there is any truth in the statement that the next generation could be one that lacks social skills.” That research make perfect sense and is very accurate to me because I’ve experienced myself becoming antisocial from playing video games for lots and lots of hours .

“Lack of rest”

Video games affects children because children with high video game addiction gives them risks of sleep deprivation. According from my research A Study held by Flinders University found that A 2012 study held by Flinders University found “participants who played video games for 150 minutes or more at night experienced a delay in falling asleep of 39 minutes, according to their sleep journals. They also lost an average of 27 minutes in total sleep loss during the night.” Also , from my experience of playing video games , video games caused me to stay up all night long and not get any sleep on a daily basis . There was man that died from no sleep playing a video game . Vigneault, 35, was in the midst of a 24-hour gaming marathon that raised money for the Make-A-Wish Foundation when he died, according to a report in The Virginia-Pilot. The lack of rest is what caused him to his death . Video games also made me stay almost every night , never getting any sleep , and I would only rest for 5 hours which is terrible. According to studies from ( 2012 study held by Flinders University found that participants who played video games for 150 minutes or more at night experienced a delay in falling asleep of 39 minutes, according to their sleep journals. They also lost an average of 27 minutes in total sleep loss during the night.The researchers also found that playing games caused a drop on the amount of time spent in the REM (rapid eye movement) stage of sleep – a loss of 12 minutes for those who spent over two hours playing games. Which makes sense because the more longer I would play the less tired I would get overnight and cause me the play longer and longer every single night because I would not be tired anymore .

Bad influences/Habits

With the over exposure of video games can lead to youths becoming murderers do to the fact of correlational studies . From my research, “Those that examine violent media consumption and aggression outside the lab – it could be that agg

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