How Employee Engagement Positively Influences Employee Loyalty

How Employee Engagement Positively Influences Employee Loyalty

There is a need to engage in more studies other than only studying the bivariate relationships to evaluate the triple interactions between employee engagement, job satisfaction, and workforce loyalty as organizational practices and TQDs initiate them. However, the three are different; this study is aimed at looking at the standard features and the interactions that are observed among them. Therefore, while creating an evaluation plan, it is of paramount importance to treat them as both dependent and independent variables. There is little proof regarding the possible causality of these variables. Employee engagement has always been considered a vital antecedent of job satisfaction and performance, as claimed by Alessandri et al. (2015). Still, Rayton and Yalabik (2014) argue that its mediating role in the affiliation between the loyalty of an employee and job satisfaction has not been sufficiently researched. To explain it, only time or rather temporal orientation can be used as a better explanation mechanism. According to Shantz et al. (2013), job satisfaction usually concentrates on the person whose orientation can be found in the current and past histories.

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