How HIT Can be used to Provide Longitudinal Patient-Centered Care Plan NURS FPX 6612 Assessment 3 Patient Discharge Care Planning

How HIT Can be used to Provide Longitudinal Patient-Centered Care Plan NURS FPX 6612 Assessment 3 Patient Discharge Care Planning


HIT possesses capabilities to improve the safety and quality of care services for health. The future is sustainable for organizations striving to improve patient outcomes. However, HIT concerning the improvement of outcomes needs further research. The role of HIT is crucial as technological advances have led organizations to increase interoperability in the United States as it prepares for stage three of meaningful use. 

Moreover, developed countries like Denmark, Germany, and Switzerland have reconciled medical programs nationally, for example, national EHR, electronic patient record system at the regional level, and national medical cards with chip versus the outcomes (Kruse & Beane, 2018).

NURS FPX 6612 Assessment 3 Patient Discharge Care Planning

In the United States, many people are prone to diseases due to their lack of quality healthcare knowledge and unhealthy dietary habits. Smoking, stress, and lack of exercise make chronic ailments more likely to occur. HIT has a wider role in providing patient-centered care (PCC) for providing quality healthcare services to individuals to manage their chronic conditions better.

The prevalence of multiple or single chronic conditions among adult US citizens was analyzed. The analysis has been done on the 2018 National Health Interview Survey (NHIS) data. 51.8% of adults have been diagnosed with at least one of ten identified chronic conditions, such as hypertension, arthritis, etc., whereas 27.2% have multiple chronic conditions (Boersma et al., 2020).

Use of HIT Elements

NURS FPX 6612 Assessment 3 Patient Discharge Care Planning

Clinical Decision Support Systems (CDSS), which are computerized, provide a greater opportunity for clinicians to enhance their complex decision-making. It is widely used across healthcare settings through electronic medical records and other clinical workflows. It is being facilitated by adopting electronic medical records globally (Sutton et al., 2020). 

Prevention of Readmission with HIT

NURS FPX 6612 Assessment 3 Patient Discharge Care Planning

Health information technology (HIT) is the solution proposed for care fragmentation, and it is perceived to reduce readmission risk by using a better flow of information. Results show that patient usage and access to EHRs may be helpful for hospitals’ readmission rates (Elysee et al., 2021). 

Data Reporting Specific to Client Behavior 

NURS FPX 6612 Assessment 3 Patient Discharge Care Planning

Patients can access a wide range of rehabilitation and human services for better managing their healthcare needs using HIT. The care manager and other healthcare staff can access all the patient’s required information with EHR, which can be used for specific patient discharge plans.

Incorporating Social Determinants of Health (SDOH) in public health practice will increase public health benefits. However, it would require research on interventions, collaboration, education, practice, and policy. The perspective of Social Determinants of Health acknowledges the societal forces that influence health conditions and permits innovative approaches to addressing public health problems (Hahn, 2021).

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