How is the emergence of AI affecting job security in the IT industry? To answer this question, we developed three secondary research questions: Firstly, what are computer science’s AI pros and cons? 2) Which computer science jobs would AI affect? How can computer science job security be protected against AI?

How is the emergence of AI affecting job security in the IT industry? To answer this question, we developed three secondary research questions: Firstly, what are computer science’s AI pros and cons? 2) Which computer science jobs would AI affect? How can computer science job security be protected against AI?



This study used the expert interview methodology to gather information about how AI affects job security in the IT sector. In expert interviews, a qualitative research technique, information is gathered from highly knowledgeable and experienced people in a given field of interest. As surveys and other quantitative tools cannot adequately capture the viewpoints and experiences of participants, this method was chosen (Braun & Clarke, 2006).


I recruited five participants who have extensive experience and expertise in the IT industry through our class research participants group. We chose computer science professionals from software development, data analytics, cybersecurity, and project management to present different viewpoints. All participants consented to the study and were informed of its goals and methodology.


Semi-structured interviewing provided flexibility in addressing the study issues while guaranteeing consistency between interviews. Each video conference interview lasted between 45 and an hour, and it was done in this way. With the participants’ permission, the interviews were taped and then transcribed verbatim.

Data Analysis:

Thematic analysis, which includes finding patterns and themes in the data, was used to examine the interview data. The transcripts were reviewed and reread numerous times to see trends and themes in the data. For each topic, codes were created, and the codes were then grouped into broader groups based on their similarities and differences. The categories were finally evaluated to determine the main themes and sub-themes from the data.

Validity and Reliability:

I took several steps to ensure the data’s accuracy and dependability. Secondly, I conducted the interviews using a semi-structured method that allowed me to be flexible in exploring the study issues while guaranteeing uniformity. Second, I recorded the interviews with the participants’ permission and verbatim translated them to ensure the information appropriately reflected their perspectives. Lastly, I used theme analysis, a tried-and-true technique for interpreting qualitative data, to analyze the data. To confirm the integrity of our conclusions, I employed member checking last. I presented the results to the participants and solicited their opinions.

Ethical Considerations:

The ethical guidelines for research involving human beings were followed in this study. All participants gave their assent voluntarily after I gave them assurances about the privacy and anonymity of their answers. Also, I ensured that the volunteers were not forced or improperly influenced into participating in the study.

Findings report

Many insights on the effects of artificial intelligence on job security in the IT industry have emerged from the analysis of expert interviews. The experts generally concurred that job security is an issue for many people, and AI is quickly transforming the industry environment. However, the experts highlighted several potential mitigating factors that could lessen AI’s detrimental effects on job security.

The study’s primary finding was that the influence of AI on job security varies on the type of position. For example, the experts say that data entry and customer service positions are most at risk of becoming automated. These jobs include routine and repetitive operations. On the other hand, project management and software development are less likely to be impacted by AI since they involve human contact, creativity, and critical thought. This study’s results align with earlier studies (Tiku, 2022).

The experts also identified several talents that will become increasingly crucial in the computer science sector led by AI. These include adaptability, ingenuity, and communication. Experts say AI-driven workplaces favor technical and soft skills. The study also found that AI technology cannot be applied uniformly. The experts advise organizations to carefully analyze their industry’s and personnel’s unique requirements before determining which AI technology to implement. Additionally, they must guarantee their staff members receive the necessary training and preparation for the new technology.

The experts also talked about how the government and policymakers may handle any possible harm AI might do to job security. The experts contend that through efforts like retraining programs and unemployment benefits, governments must actively support employees who lose their jobs due to AI. They also have to guarantee that employees can embrace novel innovations and that AI advantages are distributed equitably.


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