How might the symptoms described align with the diagnostic criteria for Avoidant Personality Disorder?

How might the symptoms described align with the diagnostic criteria for Avoidant Personality Disorder?


Avoidant Personality Disorder (AVPD) is a mental health condition in which the affected individuals have feelings of inadequacy, have low self-esteem, and usually avoid social interactions because they fear being ridiculed or judged (Frandsen et al., 2020). The presented patient have symptoms of loneliness, social isolation, and feeling inferior among others. Indeed, these symptoms align with the DSM-V diagnostic criteria for AVPD. Other symptoms included in the DSM-V include shyness, reluctance to engage in new activities, and hypersensitivity to negative evaluation. Shyness among people with AVPD leads to social isolation because their occupational and social functioning is significantly affected. On a similar note, due to their hypersensitivity to negative evaluation, people with AVPD experience severe anxiety in situations where they anticipate they will be evaluated by others.                                                                       What are some potential challenges in implementing pharmacologic and nonpharmacologic treatment strategies for individuals with complex mental health conditions like APD?

There are various challenges that providers may experience when treating patients with complex mental health conditions such as AVPD. One of such challenges is limited treatment options. Currently, there is no medication that has specifically been approved to treat AVPD (Bachrach & Arntz, 2021). In most cases, medications prescribed to these individuals focus on treating comorbid conditions such as anxiety and depression. Moreover, providers might find it difficult to build therapeutic alliance with patients with AVPD due to their mistrust of authoritative figures (Bachrach & Arntz, 2021). Thus, providers might take significant amount of time to build trust and rapport with these patients. Additionally, there can be issues of legal and ethical considerations especially in cases where patients with AVPD are at high risk of harming others.


Bachrach, N., & Arntz, A. (2021). Group schema therapy for patients with cluster‐C personality disorders: A case study on avoidant personality disorder. Journal of clinical psychology, 77(5), 1233-1248. 

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