How Necessary is a College Education

How Necessary is a College Education


It is recommended that when we graduate from high school we are supposed to go to college. We are told from a very young age that if we want a decent job then we must go to college and work towards it. Which, at a young age may seem intimidating since we have to figure out what we want to major in, how much will it cost us, would we have to relocate, and will there be scholarships or loans available. You have probably heard friends or family members ask the question ‘Why is a college education so important?’ many times throughout your life. Maybe you have even asked yourself this question. Although there are many people who do not go to school and are doing simply fine, college is something that has, and always will help a person be more effective in their life. College can help someone get better employer opportunities, help with self-improvement, prepare you to be a productive member of society, help a person live more comfortably, and it can teach discipline along with responsibility. Overall, college can be very accommodating to a happy and successful life.

When people go to college, they often are going so they can learn and prepare themselves for the job they would like to have in the future. Obtaining a degree can result in many employment opportunities because a lot of today’s employers consider it a necessity. Employers time and again do not hire people who do not have a degree regardless of their skill and experiences versus someone who does have a college degree. Those who have a degree tend to make more money and have more opportunities than those who do not. “According to averages calculated by the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, people with a bachelor’s degree earn around sixty-four percent more per week than individuals with a high school diploma...” Therefore, college can give someone better employer openings.

For a lot of students, college is the first ‘free’ experience they will have. “College is an investment in the enrichment of your life.” Part of a college experience is self-improvement, and personal growth. “Students also report that their college courses have provided a place for them to become more knowledgeable about themselves.” They often learn skills from being on their own, away from parents and family support for the first time. No one is there to get them up every morning for class. There is no one cooking for them, doing their laundry, or cleaning their apartment or house. College teaches responsibility and discipline along the lines that students are, for the most part, on their own and they are learning on how to be an adult. Even at a young age, students have to make deadlines for homework assignments, teaching them responsibility and discipline. College also gives students better social skills and teaches them team working skills by working in groups. Self-improvement in a student’s life can not only help them when graduation comes around, but it may also help them achieve complete and happy lives.

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