How Necessary Is a College Education: Argumentative Essay Conclusion

How Necessary Is a College Education: Argumentative Essay Conclusion


Therefore, everyone should strive to get a college education because it improves the quality of one’s life hence adding value. Parents and the state should put more effort into providing a college education. The parents should encourage their children to acquire higher education because, in the world of today, many jobs available require some form of post-high school education.

The government, on the other hand, should increase funding to colleges to make the tuition fee affordable to students from low-income levels. The government’s support will help to cushion students against inflation that has led to the skyrocketing of college education cost.

On the other hand, the value of college education cannot be underestimated because it leads to financial rewards. Moreover, it is easier to change careers with a college education. For sure, college education has value and is worth the time and money of a student.

Works Cited

Becker, Gary Stanley. Human Capital: A Theoretical and Empirical Analysis with Special Reference to Education. 2nd ed. Chicago: university of Chicago press, 1993.

“Benefits of a college Education.” University of Maryland College n.d.

Bird, Caroline. The Case against College. Colorado: D. McKay Co, 1975.

Cohn, Elchana and Geske, G Terry. The Economics of Education. 3rd ed. Oxford: Pergamon Press, 1990.

Duderstadt, J James. A university for the 21st century. Michigan: University of Michigan Press, 2000. ISBN0472110918, 9780472110919

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