How the Concept Presented In the Article Relates To the Results of the Work Environment Assessment

How the Concept Presented In the Article Relates To the Results of the Work Environment Assessment


The concept on the standards of sustaining a healthy work environment relates to the assessment results, in that ineffective decision-making, lack of appropriate staffing, and lack of authentic leadership in the organization has resulted in a less healthy environment. Lack of authentic leadership is evident in the workplace environment, which suggests that the organization’s leaders have not put much effort into ensuring the staff work in a healthy work environment. The leaders at my organization do not initiate or encourage open discussions and dialogues on promoting a healthy workplace. If they do so, they could have identified key factors that create a harsh working environment, such as inadequate staffing.

Ineffective decision-making by failing to engage the employees has contributed to a less healthy workplace. This is because the staff’s opinions on enhancing the workplace environment are not incorporated in policy-making. The low assessment results can be related to the employees’ failure to initiate a critical conversation with the management on issues that affect them. Perhaps, if we expressed their concerns to the leaders, we could be heard, and the various issues that negatively impact the workplace could be addressed. The tense relationship between the employees and the management can be attributed to the lack of conversations between the two groups, which is critical in ending the silence surrounding incivility.

How My Organization Could Apply the Concept to Improve Organizational Health

My organization can apply the identified standards to enhance organizational health by having direct and transparent communication at all organizational levels to promote respect among the staff and between the staff and the supervisors. The management can actively engage the staff by consulting or involving them in decision-making and developing organizational policies (Griffin & Clark, 2014). Additionally, the organization’s employees can apply the concept of critical conversation to discuss with the management on issues affecting them, such as inadequate staffing (Clark, 2015). Critical conversations can be started among the employees to help solve conflicts, especially between different professions, to help create strong intra- and interprofessional health teams.

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