How The Services Help to Support and Promote Organizational Awareness

How The Services Help to Support and Promote Organizational Awareness


The services promote organizational awareness through enhanced visibility, accessibility, and engagement with target audiences. Cloud computing fosters the availability of organizational resources thus improving the accessibility for the global users. ERP systems effectively work in streamlining and data centralization fostering efficient management of the different customer interactions and improving the general reputation of the brand. Digital services effectively leverage online channels in reaching and effectively engaging with possible customers, thus favoring awareness through campaigns (Khalid Ouda, 2020). The services cumulatively promote an appropriate ecosystem that promotes organizational awareness.

The Best Fit Service for My Organization

In an organization that is deeply focused on the provision of digital services, leveraging cloud computing services would be the appropriate fit. Cloud computing allows for flexibility and scalability making it easier to manage the different applications and infrastructure. Incorporation of cloud computing can allow our organization to have a higher availability and accessibility of our services to the different users will be top-notch without having to depend on the extensive on-premises infrastructure.


The development of the internet has changed the functionality of the Google company. the incorporation of media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram all enhanced Google’s engagement with its broader customer base presenting different and diverse content and creating a sense of connection with the target audience. Further, services like cloud computing, ERP systems, and digital marketing services have been massively embraced by organizations due to their optimization and centralization of information, allowing for online presence and improved organizational awareness. In digital organizations, the best fit is cloud computing is the best because it allows for scalability and improved accessibility with no strain on-premises infrastructure.


Alhabash, S., & Ma, M. (2017). A tale of four platforms: Motivations and uses of Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Snapchat among college students? Social Media + Society3(1), 1–13.

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